IPB University Biomedical Science Study Programme: Now You Can Go Through SNPB and SNBT

IPB University Biomedical Science Study Programme: Now You Can Go Through SNPB and SNBT

Bedah Prodi Sains Biomedis IPB University: Kini Bisa Lewat SNPB dan SNBT

Are you interested in the health field? In addition to the medical department, there is currently a Biomedical Science study programme as well. At IPB University, the Bachelor of Biomedical Science programme has just been officially opened for the 2023/2024 academic year.

Under the auspices of the School of Veterinary Medicine and Biomedical Sciences (SKHB) IPB University, the Biomedical Science Study Programme can be your main alternative for continuing your studies. With global health challenges and the need for medicinal products, this study programme presents an opportunity to fulfil Indonesia’s need for human resources in the biomedical field.

Moreover, only four universities in Indonesia have this study programme. This makes the job prospects for graduates good with minimal waiting time.

Biomedical Science is a major that is closely related to three scientific fields, namely medicine, veterinary medicine and the environment. In this case, the excellence of Biomedical Science carried by IPB University is the development of biomedicine through a one health approach followed by research strength.

Those who have biomedical expertise will have competence in making and developing drugs and serums, working in laboratories or drug development companies, or can also become a technopreneur by creating medical devices.

As for now, Biomedical Science Study Programme of IPB University has 20 students who enter through the IPB Independent Entrance Selection (SM-IPB) or written exam. Students are supported by competent lecturers with cross-disciplinary expertise. Lecture and practicum activities are also supported by modern and complete infrastructure.

“The strength of Biomedical Science when compared to other similar study programmes is in the field of engineering biological materials such as vaccines, sera, stem cells, toxins, and diagnostic kits, and the development of animal models for human diseases both degenerative and non-degenerative diseases,” said Prof drh Tutik Wresdiyati, Chairperson of Biomedical Science Study Programme of IPB University.

Here, students will learn some interesting courses. Among them are Vaccine Biotechnology, Cell Culture, Biological Material Preparation, Laboratory Diagnostics, Development of Drug Candidate Active Ingredients, Diagnostic Instrumentation and Animal Models.

Azzahra Putri Kristiana, a first-year Biomedical Science student from MAS Assalam Darul Faizah, said that her reason for choosing this programme was motivated by her interest in health, especially in medical research.

“After I find out more, the point is that Biomedical Science studies health and research to find innovative therapies and treatments for various diseases. That’s why I decided to dive deeper into this field,” she said.

“It feels good if we learn holistically by linking existing theories with real-life examples. The interactive and student-centred teaching methods have also helped me develop my learning,” he said, sharing his impression of studying at IPB University.

Another case with Narendra from SMA Negeri 6 Bogor City. He chose IPB University’s Biomedical Science Study Programme because the job prospects of its graduates are quite broad. Graduates can become industry players in biological materials, biopharmaceuticals, pharmaceuticals, health instruments, forensic laboratories, clinical/diagnostic laboratories, educational institutions, research institutions, fertility clinics to IVF.

“I am very interested in choosing that major. It feels good to be part of IPB University,” Narendra concluded.

Approaching the registration period for new students, this year IPB University Biomedical Science Study Programme will open all registration channels such as National Selection Based on Achievement (SNBP), National Selection Based on Test (SNBT), and independent route (SM-IPB) with a capacity of 50 students.

So, what are you waiting for? Let’s prepare yourself to join the Biomedical Science Study Programme of IPB University! (MW/Rz) (IAAS/RUM)