Himakua IPB University Holds Webinar Revealing the Secrets of Biofloc Without Molasses

Himakua IPB University Holds Webinar Revealing the Secrets of Biofloc Without Molasses

Himakua IPB University Gelar Webinar Ungkap Rahasia Bioflok Tanpa Molase

The Aquaculture Student Association (Himakua) Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences (FPIK) IPB University has just introduced the latest breakthrough in the world of fisheries. Through a webinar, Himakua IPB University invited experts to reveal the secrets of biofloc cultivation without molasses.

This webinar is a series of Aquafarm Edupark 2024 activities. Two prominent figures in the world of aquaculture, Ir Hartadi, an influencer in the world of fisheries under the name Dunia Ikan Hartadi, and Rafi Kemal, MSi, founder and leader of AquaBioFresh Indonesia, were guest stars at this event .

With the title ‘Successful Biofloc Cultivation Without Molasses for Beginners’, the speakers explained in depth the advantages and challenges faced in biofloc cultivation. Also explained are the essential requirements to get started, cultivation techniques without molasses and practical details that beginners should know.

This is certainly an innovation that can encourage the world of Indonesian fisheries, considering that the concept of providing molasses as a balance to the C/N Ratio in the biofloc technique has become an obstacle to implementing this beneficial method. Thus, it is hoped that cultivators in Indonesia will be more open and willing to try this technology.

“Even though biofloc technology is promising, its implementation can face various obstacles. Insufficient skills and education regarding bacterial growth mechanisms, use of carbon sources and so on can be a double-edged sword that actually thwarts the biofloc system.

Rafi Kemal also provided an interesting perspective regarding the effectiveness of biofloc cultivation without molasses in reducing production costs. He replaced the use of molasses with mineral water which turned out to be more efficient and effective.

“Water minerals function as an important catalyst for the growth of bacteria needed in biofloc,” explained this IPB University alumnus from the FPIK Aquaculture Department.

Participants showed their enthusiasm throughout the event. Starting from material delivery sessions to demonstrations on making biofloc nutritional supplies. More than 40 questions covered the question and answer session.

Unmitigated, after the event several participants even immediately bought mineral products offered by Himakua IPB University to support the biofloc process without molasses. Participants are also given a free consultation forum with resource persons and can obtain a guidebook on the material presented during the event.

It is hoped that Aquafarm Edupark will not only be a place for learning, but also as an inspiring place for the community to gain deeper insight and new experiences regarding successful strategies in biofloc cultivation. (*/Rz) (IAAS/ASD)