Here are six reasons to choose IPB University’s Nutrition and Feed Technology Study Program

Here are six reasons to choose IPB University’s Nutrition and Feed Technology Study Program

Ini 6 Alasan Memilih Prodi Nutrisi dan Teknologi Pakan IPB University

One of the study programs at IPB University that is always the target of prospective students is the Nutrition and Feed Technology Study Program. This undergraduate program is managed by the Department of Nutrition and Feed Technology, Faculty of Animal Science (Fapet), IPB University. There are at least six reasons why many prospective students are interested in studying in this program. Let’s take a peek at the review.

1. The only one in Indonesia.
IPB University’s Nutrition and Feed Technology Study Program is the only nutrition and feed technology study program in Indonesia. This study program produces nutrition and feed experts who are able to work in various companies, agencies, or businesses.

2. Nationally and internationally accredited
The Nutrition and Feed Technology Study Program of IPB University has been nationally accredited by the National Accreditation Board for Higher Education (BAN-PT) with an A grade and internationally accredited by The Accreditation Agency for Study Programmes in Engineering, Informatics, Natural Sciences, and Mathematics (ASIIN).

3. Using the Latest Curriculum
Lectures at IPB University Nutrition and Feed Technology have used the latest curriculum, namely the 2020 Curriculum (K-2020), which is in accordance with the educational goals of IPB 4.0, namely a powerful agile learner. K-2020 is a curriculum that combines soft skills and hard skills with a blended learning method. This curriculum is in line with Freedom of Learning – Independence Campus (MBKM).

4. There are many things that are closely related to this study program.
According to a student of IPB University’s Nutrition and Feed Technology Study Program, Sekar Ayu Hawatama Ramadhani, this study program opens up many insights. Many things in the surrounding world are closely related to the science in the Nutrition and Feed Technology Study Program.

“For example, the quality of food from animals that we have been consuming depends on the feed given previously to livestock. In the Nutrition and Feed Technology Study Program, we will learn how to formulate the right formula to produce quality food,” said Sekar, an 8th semester student at IPB University.

Studying in the Nutrition and Feed Technology Study Program of IPB University will also provide a lot of knowledge in various aspects such as feed nutrition, animal nutrition, animal health, animal management, and livestock products.

“As long as we still consume animal food, this study program is needed,” she said.

5. Fast Track Program, S1-S2, Only 5 Years
Students of the Nutrition and Feed Technology Study Program can graduate from IPB University with two degrees at once, namely bachelor’s and master’s degrees. This is because this study program has an S1-S2 Synergy Program (fast track) with predetermined conditions. Students in this program are targeted to graduate from S1 to S2 at IPB University within five years.

6. Excellent graduates and broad job opportunities
IPB University’s Nutrition and Feed Technology Study Program directs graduates to become experts in the field of animal nutrition and food science who are able to identify high-quality feed ingredients and produce them well.

“Graduates will also be directed to become experts in calculating nutritional needs and formulating rations that are appropriate to the needs of livestock,” said Head of the Department of INTP IPB University, Dr Heri Ahmad Sukria. (MHT/Rz) (IAAS/Aly)