Heading towards Excellent Accreditation, Lamemba Conducts Field Assessment for IPB University’s Bachelor of Business Program

Heading towards Excellent Accreditation, Lamemba Conducts Field Assessment for IPB University’s Bachelor of Business Program

Menuju Akreditasi Unggul, Lamemba Lakukan Asesmen Lapangan Program Studi Sarjana Bisnis IPB University

The Independent Accreditation Institute for Economics, Management, Business, and Accounting (Lamemba) conducted a field assessment for the Bachelor of Business Program at IPB University. The assessment team was received at the IPB University School of Business Campus in Bogor on March 14th. The field assessment by Lamemba is part of the Bachelor of Business Program’s proposal to achieve excellent accreditation.

In his address, the IPB University Rector expressed his commitment to always be present to witness the field assessment process in the accreditation application for study programs at IPB University.

“In the visitation process, reviewers from the assessor serve as learning opportunities that we seek. The assessors will observe things that may not be apparent to IPB University. This can be a learning experience for us,” he said.

The Lamemba assessors present at the assessment were Prof Bulan Purbawani and Dr Febriana Wurjaningrum. Prof Bulan Purbawani admitted that this was his first visitation to the IPB University School of Business. He mentioned that his visit was aimed at validating and verifying the documents submitted to Lamemba.

“Lamemba differs slightly from the National Accreditation Board for Higher Education (BAN-PT) as it focuses more on qualitative aspects than quantitative ones. Regarding the qualifications of lecturers, instructors in the Business Program at IPB University have good qualifications, and consequently, their graduates will excel,” said Prof Bulan.

Dr I Wayan Nurjaya, Chairman of the Quality Management Office at IPB University, emphasized that all study programs at IPB University are expected to excel nationally.

“We must continue to push the study programs to promptly gather the Supplement Conversion Instruments documents, so that we can achieve our hope of having 100% of the study programs at IPB University receive excellent accreditation,” he said.

Also present at the event were the Vice Rector for Education and Student Affairs, Prof. Deni Noviana; the Vice Rector for Resource and Infrastructure Resilience, Dr Alim Setiawan; the Vice Rector for Global Connectivity, Cooperation, and Alumni, Prof Iskandar Z. Siregar; the Dean of the School of Business at IPB University, Prof Noer Azam Achsani; the Chair of the Academic Senate, Prof Ujang Sumarwan, and instructors from the IPB University School of Business. (dh/Lp) (IAAS/Hap)