Get to know the oldest study program in the field of Food Science and Technology in Indonesia

Get to know the oldest study program in the field of Food Science and Technology in Indonesia

Yuk Mengenal Prodi Tertua bidang Ilmu dan Teknologi Pangan di Indonesia

Innovation in the field of food technology is increasingly massive. Now, many experts are needed to overcome the dynamics of the world of food. Therefore, IPB University has long presented the Food Technology Study Program (Prodi), making it one of the oldest study programs in the field of food science and technology in Indonesia.

Excellence and Achievement
Not only historical, IPB University’s Food Technology Study Program has also reaped many achievements. This is proven by the recognition and accreditation received by this study program. Since 2010, this study program at the Faculty of Agricultural Technology (Fateta) IPB University has become the first study program outside North America to receive recognition from the Institute of Food Technologists (IFT).

This study program has also received recognition from the International Union of Food Science and Technology (IUoFST) since 2013, accredited by the Accreditation Agency for Study Programs in Engineering, Informatics, Natural Sciences and Mathematics (ASIIN) and the ISEKI Food Association until 2029.

Innovation Pioneer
The Food Technology Study Program is also known as a pioneer of innovation at IPB University. Some of them are analog rice products, Cajuput Candy and Azaki Tempe. The last name has even entered international markets such as Japan and South Korea.

Analog Rice is non-paddy rice made from food ingredients that grow abundantly in Indonesia, such as sago, sorghum and corn. This innovation is the embodiment of the food diversification program by IPB University through experts and food experts in the Food Technology Study Program.

What was Learned?
In this study program, students will learn the application of food science for the selection, preservation, processing, packaging, distribution and use of safe, nutritious and healthy food.

IPB University’s Food Technology Study Program offers valuable experience for every student. As stated by one of the best graduates of Fateta IPB University, Eka Maulana Salsa Bila. While he was a student, he was able to learn various things about the world of food from all aspects.

“I am grateful to be able to study at IPB University, especially the Food Science and Technology Study Program because it has competent lecturers,” he said.

Uniquely, learning activities in this study program are carried out in two languages: Indonesian (regular class) and English (regular class and international class).

Work prospect
Present as a catalyst for change in the world of food, graduates of the IPB University Food Technology Study Program have broad job prospects. Their expertise in combining food science, technology and innovation makes them a valuable asset in various industries.

Graduates can work in various sectors, including research and development (R&D), quality control (QC), regulatory affairs, production, supply chain in the food industry; food safety consultant or auditor; researchers, lecturers, food entrepreneurs, and so on.

Most of the IPB University Food Technology Study Program graduates (87.3 percent) work in food-related fields, especially the national and multinational food industry and government agencies, with a waiting period for getting their first job of 2-3 months. (IAAS/ASD)