Generate Work-Ready Graduates in the Global Industry, IPB University Vocational School Establishes Collaboration with NPO AICD

Generate Work-Ready Graduates in the Global Industry, IPB University Vocational School Establishes Collaboration with NPO AICD

Hasilkan Lulusan Siap Kerja di Industri Global, Sekolah Vokasi IPB University Jalin Kerja Sama dengan NPO AICD

The Vocational School (SV) of IPB University and the Association for International Career Development, known as NPO AICD, have forged a partnership in vocational education development in Indonesia. This collaboration aims to produce competent vocational graduates ready to work in the global industry.

The activity took place on 14/3 at the Executive Lounge of the IPB Vocational School in Bogor, attended by Dr Anita Ristianingrum, Vice Dean for Resources, Cooperation, and Development of the IPB University Vocational School, Aoyagi Tomoto representing the Association for International Career Development NPO AICD, and Prof Yusli Wardiatno, former Indonesian Education Attaché in Japan.

In her address, Dr Anita welcomed the collaboration between IPB University and NPO AICD. She stated that the partnership between NPO AICD and SV IPB University is a first step in improving the quality of vocational education in Indonesia.

“This collaboration is crucial to enhancing the quality of vocational education in Indonesia. We hope that this collaboration can produce vocational graduates with the skills needed by the global industry and ready to compete in the international job market,” said Anita.

Aoyagi Tomoto expressed that NPO AICD is committed to supporting the development of vocational education in Indonesia and can provide benefits to both parties.

“NPO AICD is committed to supporting the development of vocational education in Indonesia. We believe that this collaboration can benefit both parties. IPB University can provide quality education and training to students, and NPO AICD can help students secure jobs in the global industry,” said Aoyagi.

The event was also attended by Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Science (FPIK) lecturers from IPB University, Dr Aidil Azhar and Dr Helianthi Dewi, as well as representatives from the Association for International Career Development NPO AICD’s International Cooperation and Reputation Commission. (IAAS/Hap)