FPIK IPB University and TUMSAT Collaborate in OQEANOUS Plus Program
Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology (TUMSAT) is the only university in Japan that focuses on fisheries and marine related studies. TUMSAT supports education to increase the capacity of human resources in the fields of fisheries and marine science.
As a form of implementation, TUMSAT has signed cooperation agreements with several leading universities in the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), one of which is IPB University. TUMSAT’s cooperation and visit to IPB University were conducted on 20-21/2.
During the visit, TUMSAT also provided an explanation of the OQEANOUS Plus Exchange Program, which was opened by the Dean of the Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences (FPIK) IPB University, Prof Fredinan Yulianda.
“FPIK IPB University is trusted by TUMSAT to jointly advance world fisheries and marine science education. TUMSAT and FPIK IPB University which are members of the OQEANOUS consortium build cooperation through the OQEANOUS Plus Program, namely the student exchange program, “he said.
Prof Maita Masashi, as vice president of TUMSAT and chairman of the delegation from the OQEANOUS program said that this program offers various opportunities for students from undergraduate to graduate school to grow professionalism in the marine industry.
“There are four programs offered namely, Online Exchange Program, Short Term Program, International Joint Program, and Double Degree Program. Registration for the program can begin in April 2024. This program can provide experience for students to learn the world of fisheries and marine professionals,” said Prof Maita.
In addition to discussing the cooperation program, TUMSAT provided seminars with several topics including Genetic epidemiology of pathogenic microorganisms in aquatic organisms and vaccine development in aquaculture by Prof Kondo Hidehiro, Haga Yutaka, Measurement and analysis of fish behavior by Prof Miyamoto Ryusuke, and Fish Feed to Improve the Resilience and Sustainability of Aquaculture by Prof Dedi Jusadi, lecturer of FPIK IPB University. (IAAS/FAE)