Dream of Becoming a Successful Livestock Entrepreneur? Check Out This Program at IPB University, One of The Best in ASEAN

Dream of Becoming a Successful Livestock Entrepreneur? Check Out This Program at IPB University, One of The Best in ASEAN

Cita-Cita Jadi Pengusaha Ternak Sukses? Tengok Prodi IPB University Ini, Salah Satu yang Terbaik di ASEAN

The Technology of Cattle Products Study Program at the Faculty of Animal Science, IPB University, could be the right choice for those aspiring to become successful entrepreneurs in the field of animal husbandry.

Not only academic and practical skills, but students in the Technology of Cattle Products program at IPB University will also be equipped with managerial and entrepreneurial skills honed from the early stages of their studies. For example, through social-oriented courses like innovation and commercialization, as well as soft skills like public speaking.

The Technology of Cattle Products Program at IPB University is also one of the best in ASEAN in the field of animal husbandry and has a wide national and international network for career opportunities and self-development.

For example, Muhamad Jull Effendy, an alumnus of the Technology of Cattle Products Program at IPB University from SMAS Budhi Warman II Jakarta, chose to become an entrepreneur because he was equipped with both soft and hard skills in the THT Program at IPB University.

Jull explained that he chose theTechnology of Cattle Products Program because of his interest in experimenting, especially in livestock breeding.

He wanted to try something new that he had never done before, such as breeding silk worms (Samia cynthia ricini), which not many people had done. Yet, according to Jull, there is high economic potential in the textile industry, and even its waste has significant benefits.

“This program not only guides me to become a professional but also equips me to become an entrepreneur. Many knowledge and values are instilled by lecturers and educational staff to shape students’ character,” said Jull.

In general, students in the Technology of Cattle Products Program at IPB University are equipped with three main areas of expertise: integrated livestock commodities from upstream to downstream processes, technology application for value-added enhancement, and optimization of livestock product outcomes.

In this program, there is a commercial livestock business unit available as a platform for students to learn how to establish livestock businesses with a mastery of animal science principles, professional skills, and managerial skills.

This program not only shapes entrepreneurs but also professionals in the field of animal production and animal product production. Graduates will be able to master the knowledge and application of livestock production technology from upstream to downstream.

The Technology of Cattle Products Program at IPB University has received national accreditation ‘A’ from the National Accreditation Board for Higher Education (BAN-PT) and international accreditation from The Accreditation Agency for Study Programs in Engineering, Informatics, Natural Sciences, and Mathematics (ASIIN).

Job Prospects
With various skills and expertise, the job prospects for graduates of the Technology of Cattle Products Program at IPB University are extensive. These include academic fields (lecturers), professionals (advisors, researchers, and livestock industry professionals), research and development, breeding supervisors in the livestock industry, public relations for processed livestock products, and entrepreneurs in livestock product processing. (MW/Rz) (IAAS/Hap)