Confused about whether to study civil engineering or environmental engineering? Let’s Check the Following Study Programs

Confused about whether to study civil engineering or environmental engineering? Let’s Check the Following Study Programs

Bingung Mau Kuliah di Teknik Sipil atau Teknik Lingkungan? Yuk, Cek Prodi Berikut

If in other universities there are generally only civil engineering or environmental engineering majors, it is different with IPB University. At the Faculty of Agricultural Technology (Fateta) IPB University, there is an Undergraduate Study Program (S1) in Civil and Environmental Engineering or what is often called SIL.

By combining these two sciences, graduates of the Civil and Environmental Engineering Study Program of IPB University not only excel in core competencies, but also continue to pay attention to ecological principles and environmental sustainability. This is in line with the demands of the times that require professionals with a thorough understanding of environmental impacts.

“SIL IPB University is unique. If you read the name alone, it will create a contradictory perception. In fact, IPB University will always welcome civil development that maintains environmental balance,” said Ratna Atika, a student of SIL IPB University class 58.

The ecology-based approach and environmental sustainability integrated in the curriculum are the uniqueness of this study program. Thus, SIL IPB University not only produces skilled professionals, but also responsible for environmental impacts.

Another advantage is reflected through its complete laboratory facilities that are the center of innovation and research. These include the Structures Laboratory, Materials Strength and Construction Laboratory, Physics and Soil Mechanics Laboratory, Solid Waste and Toxic Substances Laboratory, Air Quality and Noise Laboratory, Hydraulics and Hydromechanics Laboratory, Mapping and Spatial Analysis Laboratory, as well as Computer Laboratory and Lapan Laboratory.

Not only that, the lecture halls are comfortable, equipped with audiovisual devices and air conditioning, creating a conducive learning environment.

“At SIL IPB, we can also explore ourselves even though the major is engineering. Here, I learned about structural analysis and even engineering hydrology or the calculation of rainwater respiration,” Ratna said.

“Entering SIL IPB University is really worth it and has many job prospects, and is always outstanding because of its innovation,” added the student who is currently in her 6th semester.

Talking of job prospects, SIL IPB University graduates have diverse career opportunities. Many of them successfully work in the construction sector, government agencies, research institutions and educational institutions. A number of alumni also choose entrepreneurship or continue their studies to postgraduate programs at home and abroad. This diversity of career choices reflects the quality of SIL IPB University graduates who can adapt to the dynamics of the job market. (Rhasya /Rz) (IAAS/ZQA)