Biotechnology Study Program SPs IPB University Conducts Comparative Study to ITB and Unpad in the Context of Study Program Development

Biotechnology Study Program SPs IPB University Conducts Comparative Study to ITB and Unpad in the Context of Study Program Development

Prodi Bioteknologi SPs IPB University Lakukan Studi Banding ke ITB dan Unpad Dalam Rangka Pengembangan Prodi

The Biotechnology Study Program (BTK) of the Graduate School (SPs) of IPB University conducted a comparative study to the Biotechnology Study Program, Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB) and the Biotechnology Study Program of Padjadjaran University (Unpad) Bandung.

The Chairman of BTK Study Program of IPB University, Prof Miftahudin said that to improve the quality of education and services, improvement efforts are needed that involve input from external parties. One of the steps is a comparative study.

“It is hoped that with this comparative study we will get input and suggestions for improving the curriculum, service system, educational support facilities that can later be used by the study program to produce highly competitive graduates,” he said.

He added that currently the BTK study program is preparing to improve accreditation documents from the Natural Science and Formal Science Self-Accreditation Institute (Lamsama), so this comparative study can provide input for better improvement for the BTK study program.

“Currently, the BTK program has been accredited A by the National Accreditation Board for Higher Education (BAN PT). However, we are currently preparing to improve the accreditation document from Lamsama, hoping to get an excellent accreditation,” he added.

Prof Miftahudin explained that this activity was also a promotional event for BTK Study Program as one of the first biotechnology study programs in Indonesia which was established in 1992. The beginning of the BTK study program is inseparable from the establishment of the Biotechnology Inter-University Center (PAU) in 1985 by three universities in Indonesia, namely IPB University, ITB and Gadjah Mada University (UGM), each of which has a different focus of study.

Meanwhile, Secretary of BTK IPB University, Dr Prayoga Suryadarma said that currently BTK Study Program has several specializations, namely agricultural biotechnology, industrial biotechnology, health biotechnology and soil and environmental biotechnology.

“BTK Study Program opens the registration of new SPs IPB University students in two periods, both in odd semester and even semester. There are two pathways, namely regular (by course) and by research,” he added in a separate statement. (HBL/Rz) (IAAS/NYS)