Alumni Association of IPB University Gathers Expert Input on Agro Maritime Outlook 2024

Alumni Association of IPB University Gathers Expert Input on Agro Maritime Outlook 2024

HA IPB University Himpun Masukan Pakar pada Agromaritim Outlook 2024

Alumni Association of IPB University held AgroMaritime Outlook 2024 and National Working Meeting (Rakernas) at IPB International Convention Center, 27-28/2.

Prof Deni Noviana, Vice Rector of IPB University for Education and Student Affairs, congratulated the Alumni Association of IPB University for organizing the third national meeting. He said that agro maritime has long been a major milestone in building the national economy. Not only that, aeromaritime is also the foundation towards food sovereignty and realizing people’s welfare.

“So that in order to realize it we must overcome various challenges with collaboration and innovation to realize golden Indonesia in 2045,” said Prof Deni Noviana.

Chairman of the DPP Alumni Association of IPB University, Walneg S Jas, said that this activity was a series since the launch of the white book some time ago. Through the white paper, Alumni Association of IPB University has released and disseminated thoughts so that agro maritime sovereignty becomes mainstream,

Walneg explained that the thoughts contained in the white paper can be part of medium and long-term development. He assessed that agromaritime is very important and is the mainstay of the government’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP).

Walneg added that agro maritime development also needs technological assistance to create added value. “We hope this event can produce important points to be brought to the government as a reference for the medium-term development that will be prepared by the government,” Walneg said.

Meanwhile, Dr Kasan, Chairman of the Trade Policy Agency (BK Perdag) appreciated the steps Alumni Association of IPB University has taken so far. He said that Indonesia’s export performance in 2023 despite the surplus, but slowed down. Total exports amounted to 258.80 billion dollars. The value of non-oil and gas exports slowed down by 11.97 percent, although in fact the volume of non-oil and gas exports grew by 8.43 percent. He admitted that Indonesia managed to record a trade surplus trend, for 45 months, namely the period May 2020 to January 2024.

“Based on the product group, some of the main primary products that are most exported include several agro maritime products and their processed products, including CPO, processed food and beverage products, pulp, meal, rubber and processed fish,” said Dr Kasan.

Furthermore, he conveyed the challenges and opportunities of global trade, one of which is the shift in population demographics. He mentioned that the majority of developed countries have population demographics that tend to age, while developing countries have begun to enter the demographic bonus phase.

A number of agro maritime experts who attended and participated in providing advice and input included Prof Rokhmin Dahuri, Dr Handito H Joewono, Prof Yonvitner, Prof Bustanul Arifin, Prof Luky Adrianto, Dr Dudi S Hendrawan, Prof Muladno, Dr Bambang Hendroyono, Lely Pelitasari, SP, ME and Prof Hariadi Kartodiharjo. (IAAS/SNI)