75 Startups Follow the Selection of PRIMEStep IPB University Program in 2024
A total of 75 Startups in the fields of food, creative industry, Information and Technology (IT), health and agricultural medicine participated in the Selection of IPB University’s Promoting Research and Innovation through Modern and Efficient Science and Techno Park (PRIMEStep) Program in 2024. The event was held at the Startup Center Building, Science and Technology Area Institute, Taman Kencana Bogor, on 26/3.
Chief of the Institute of Science and Technology (LKST) IPB University, Prof Erika B Laconi said that LKST IPB University will continue to bridge the Promoting Research and Innovation through Modern and Efficient Science and Techno Park (PRIMEStep) program until 2027.
“There are 75 Startup candidates who were selected to participate in the selection this time with 18 reviewers consisting of business practitioners, academics and also from the leadership of LKST IPB University,” she said.
She said the reviewers were experts who had been determined by DIKTI. The startup candidates will compete to fight for their business to advance to the Higher Education (DIKTI) level and can pass the primestep program selection.
“Through this selection we want to choose startup candidates who have a business spirit based on innovation, especially IPB University innovation. If the business does not have innovation and creativity, it certainly will not survive,” said Prof Erika.
She hoped that the young generation, the community, and alumni will emerge by building startups that develop tough and superior, therefore the selected startups are certainly based on creativity and innovation.
“Of the 75 participants who participated in the selection, 13 well-selected startups will be selected. The selected participants will be facilitated by tenants in the Startup Center Building at Taman Kencana Campus and will be given coaching and guidance for three years,” said Prof Erika.
“So it is hoped that the innovative business developed by startups will grow, will not become extinct, so that it is truly needed by the community both in the national and international markets,” she said. (dh/Lp) (IAAS/HLF).