What’s the Difference between IPB University’s Landscape Architecture Study Programme and Others? This is the Answer of the Student Ambassador of IPB

Faculty of Agriculture of IPB University offers Landscape Architecture Study Programme (ARL). IPB University’s ARL study programme focuses on tropical biodiversity, landscape character and culture that support sustainable development.
But what is the difference between IPB University’s Landscape Architecture Study Programme and architecture majors elsewhere? Maheswara Aulia Khrisna, IPB Batch IX Ambassador has the answer.
He stated that IPB University’s ARL Study Programme has more value when compared to ordinary architectural majors, namely in the landscape part.
“I chose to study at ARL IPB University because I have a big interest in art. In addition, ARL IPB University is unique because it plays with plants, landscapes, so there is another side that is highlighted,” admitted the student who is usually called Mahes.
Mahes said that one of the interesting things about the ARL Department is that there are many travelling activities. This study programme is indeed one of the study programmes at IPB University that often organises field trips.
“During the 4th semester, there was a course called Field Study. In this course we were required to fly to Singapore, one batch. This experience was very memorable and exciting,” he said.
“There we visited Capita Spring Sky Garden to see how the rooftop is managed. Starting from the café there, how the structure of the garden, how to keep the building sturdy even though there are trees on it, also what plants are used as wind breakers there,” Mahes explained.
The programme, which has been accredited by the National Accreditation Board for Higher Education (BAN-PT) and the International Federation Landscape Architecture (IFLA), has three divisions, namely Landscape Design Planning, Landscape Management and Plants and Greenery.
This study programme applies an integrated curriculum in accordance with national and international standards so as to build professional and independent landscape architect competencies and be recognised in the global world.
As a student of ARL IPB University, Mahes also said that during his studies he got a very supportive environment. Both from students, lecturers, and even the education staff.
“Once there was a student who had a limited device, the study programme gave access to the computer laboratory key for 7 weeks. When I was selected to be an IPB Ambassador, I was helped by my friends to make a mini studio to fulfil the administration in the form of a Comp Card containing photos,” he recalled.
In line with Mahes, one of the best graduates of the Faculty of Agriculture in the October 2023 edition of graduation, Ardisia Fichandari, said that the ARL Study Programme of IPB University teaches how to plan, design and manage space by paying attention to the environment while considering human needs.
She also added, “In my opinion, the field of landscape architecture is a much-needed field in the era of onslaught of environmental issues. Therefore, I made my choice to explore more knowledge at ARL IPB University.”
Graduates from this department have broad job prospects. Such as becoming a corporate landscape planner and designer, architectural/landscape architecture consultant, landscape contractor, landscape manager, lecturer and researcher, as well as nurseryman (entrepreneurial cultivation of ornamental landscape plants). (Fatin/Rz) (IAAS/RUM)