What does IPB University’s Land Resource Management Study Programme Learn? Here’s What Its Students Say

What does IPB University’s Land Resource Management Study Programme Learn? Here’s What Its Students Say

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Land Resource Management (MSL) is one of the undergraduate study programmes at the Faculty of Agriculture, IPB University. For those of you who are still undecided about continuing your studies, MSL IPB University can be an interesting choice, especially if you have an interest in land potential, soil and water conservation and regional planning and development.

Currently, this study programme has obtained ‘Excellent’ accreditation from the National Accreditation Board for Higher Education (BAN-PT). IPB University’s Land Resource Management study programme also achieved international accreditation from AUN QA for 2017-2022 and is currently in the process of ASIIN accreditation.

One of the students, Ginna Soniya Permata Hati, also shared her experience while studying at IPB University’s Land Resource Management Study Programme.

“The experience I got while studying at the Land Resource Management Study Programme is to be a student who is brave and thirsty for knowledge,” said this 8th semester IPB University student.

In the Land Resource Management Study Programme of IPB University, students do not only learn in class. They also conduct field trips or field activities for soil sampling, weather research, land research and also making soil maps.

Not only that, students of IPB University’s Land Resource Management Study Programme are also encouraged to become competitive, critical thinking and innovative individuals.

“The theoretical knowledge that I get in class is obtained from lecturers who are professional and capable in their fields so that we as students are always excited to learn,” Ginna said.

During college, Ginna had the opportunity to study at the Indonesian Ministry of Agriculture (Kementan). “It turns out that the Land Resource Management programme is very much needed. I was there (Ministry of Agriculture), applying a lot of college knowledge while getting new knowledge,” she said.

Students of IPB University’s Land Resource Management Study Programme can develop their knowledge in six divisions. They are physical land resource development, soil chemistry and fertility, soil and water conservation, remote sensing and spatial information, soil biotechnology, and regional planning and development.

To support teaching and learning activities, this study programme also has various facilities including laboratory rooms, lecture rooms, greenhouses, experimental gardens, student service units and production houses.

Graduates of IPB University’s Land Resource Management Study Program have competence in analysing the characteristics and potential of land resources by examining soil structure spatially and environmentally using the Internet of Things (IoT). They can also evaluate the extent to which land can support life and sustainable development without damaging the land, in accordance with spatial plans.

Career Prospects
Career options for graduates of IPB University’s Land Resource Management Study Programme are diverse. Starting from a career in plantation companies, mining companies, agricultural companies, researchers at research institutions in agriculture and land resource economics.

Many of its alumni also become academics, as local and central government officials, regional development planners, land surveyors and other resource data. Graduates of IPB University’s Land Resource Management Study Programme can become agricultural/plantation consultants and analysts, agricultural and plantation entrepreneurs or become agricultural extension workers. (MHT/Rz) (IAAS/RUM)