Supporting the Ministry of Agriculture, TNC IPB University Provides Technical Guidance on Pest Disease Control in Rancamaya

Supporting the Ministry of Agriculture, TNC IPB University Provides Technical Guidance on Pest Disease Control in Rancamaya

Dukung Kementerian Pertanian, TNC IPB University Beri Bimbingan Teknis Pengendalian Hama Penyakit di Rancamaya

Tani and Nelayan Center (TNC) and IPB University supported the Ministry of Agriculture (MOA) and Rancamaya Village in holding a Technical Guidance on Pest Disease Control at the Rancamaya Village Office, Bogor City on Thursday, 22/2.

A total of 40 participants attended this event, consisting of the Women Farmers Group (KWT) and the Adult Farmers Group (KTD) in Rancamaya Village.

The activity began with a speech by Prof Hermanu Triwidodo, the Head of TNC IPB University. He delivered material on Plant Health Management with the 4P principle, namely deterrence, restraint, monitoring, and suppression.

“We really appreciate the opportunity to join the event with the farmer group in Rancamaya. We understand that local farmers play an important role as experts in pest and disease control in the field. In addition, gotong royong is also the main key to maintaining the success and sustainability of agricultural businesses in Indonesia,” he said.

He hopes that this activity can provide significant benefits for farmers in Rancamaya by increasing their productivity and welfare as well as strengthening food security at the local level. Apart from being a learning event, this activity is also a moment of a good relationship.

“Participants conducted direct observation and guidance to gain an understanding of pest and disease control techniques that had been learned previously. The farmers also helped promote Kampung Durian Rancamaya as a tourist village to broaden their horizons and increase cooperation networks between farmers with the aim of strengthening solidarity and collaboration in facing challenges in agriculture,” explained Prof Hermanu.

The activity was filled with the Socialization of IPB Digitani by TNC IPB University, represented by Nurma Wibi Earthany. Not only that, but the material presentation was also delivered by lecturers at the Plant Protection Department of IPB University, namely Dr Idham Sakti Harahap with the material “Insect Pests in Durian Plants” and Prof Abdul Munif with the material “Control of Pests and Diseases of Fruit and Vegetable Plants”.

After that, a discussion session was held between speakers from IPB University and participants to exchange information and experiences. The event also presented a Mobile Plant Clinic as an introduction to the Field Laboratory guided by Bonjok Istiaji, the TNC Expert Council, and a lecturer at the Plant Protection Department at IPB University. (Nurma/Lp) (IAAS/FAE)