Study at IPB University’s Plant Protection Study Program,  Plants are Guarded, Moreover You!

Study at IPB University’s Plant Protection Study Program,  Plants are Guarded, Moreover You!

Belajar di Prodi Proteksi Tanaman IPB University, Tanaman Aja Dijaga, Apalagi Kamu!

Who said that agriculture graduates at IPB University only end up becoming farmers? In the Plant Protection Study Program, Faculty of Agriculture, IPB University, you can become a plant ‘doctor’ who is ready to answer the problems faced by the agricultural world today.

As an agricultural country, plant doctors or experts will always be increasingly needed to mitigate various pests and plant diseases. Therefore, the overall job prospects in the field of plant protection are very promising.

Andika Hisyam Mahendra, a Plant Protection student at IPB University, reveals why he chose this program. The alumnus of SMAN 10 Bandung likes the science of microbiology in plants, especially related to plant health.

“Alhamdulillah, while studying at IPB’s Plant Protection Study Program, I got the knowledge I expected in the world of plant diseases to develop environmentally friendly agriculture by forming biopesticides that can support the food security index in the future,” said the figure, who was once named the 2nd Outstanding Student of the Faculty of Agriculture of IPB University.

He admitted that the study program is unique because it is still rare for people to want to study plant pests and diseases in detail. Therefore, he said, job opportunities after graduation will be more wide-open because graduates are highly competitive.

During his studies, Andika can also explore various ideas and technologies for scientific writing competitions or essays in agriculture involving beneficial microorganisms.

Currently, the Plant Protection Study Program has received the title ‘Superior’ at the national level from the National Accreditation Body for Higher Education (BAN-PT). For the international level, this study program has also been accredited by the Accreditation Agency for Study Programmes in Engineering, Informatics, Natural Sciences and Mathematics (ASIIN).

Here, students will be given competencies in both theory and practice regarding agricultural entomology, phytopathology, and plant protection technology. Students are also required to understand how agricultural policy is made and be able to apply their knowledge in the field from upstream to downstream.

In addition, students are encouraged to be able to produce environmentally friendly plant protection science and innovation to maintain agroecosystem balance.

Graduates are also encouraged to create plant protection technology that is adaptive to the latest technological developments to support food independence and improve human life. So graduates of this study program have proven, that plants are guarded, moreover the others.

Job prospects

Job prospects that can be followed by graduates of IPB University’s Plant Protection Study Program include government institutions such as the Ministry of Agriculture, state-owned and private agribusiness companies, pest control companies, entrepreneurs in the agribusiness and agrochemical fields, plant protection consultants, lecturers, researchers, or NGO activists in the environmental field. (MW) (IAAS/FAE)