Responding to the Election Situation, Rector Encourages IPB University Community to Play an Active Role in Maintaining Integrity, Avoid Polarisation

Responding to the Election Situation, Rector Encourages IPB University Community to Play an Active Role in Maintaining Integrity, Avoid Polarisation

Lantik 35 Pejabat Struktural, Rektor Imbau Libatkan Inovasi dan Gagasan Kreatif Untuk Menciptakan Masa Depan yang Baik

Responding to the increasingly dynamic national political situation in the 2024 General Election process, Rector of IPB University, Prof Arif Satria invited IPB University community consisting of lecturers, education staff (tendik) and students to jointly maintain the values of academic integrity.

With the spirit of togetherness, the Rector appealed for five things that must be maintained by all citizens of IPB University.

First, he invited IPB University residents to actively contribute to maintaining and ensuring that the IPB University campus remains a conducive and comfortable environment for higher education tridharma activities. “Lecturers and education personnel are required to uphold the principle of neutrality,” he ordered firmly.

Secondly, the Rector said, “Freedom of speech is our right guaranteed by the constitution, therefore constructive discussion and dialogue within the framework of freedom of academic pulpit must be maintained.”

Furthermore, he also emphasised the importance of conveying thoughts and opinions responsibly, respecting different views on political situations and upholding academic ethics and morals.

Third, in every discussion, Rector said that it is very important for IPB University residents to maintain academic integrity, by prioritising an approach that is based on facts and data. He also advised to also appreciate the diversity of views with a polite attitude.

“I invite IPB University community members to think critically in receiving various information circulating and avoid spreading false information,” he added.

Regarding political choices, Rector asked all to strengthen the relationship and brotherhood among IPB University residents, with mutual respect and acceptance of differences.

“IPB University residents are expected to participate in avoiding polarisation in society that disrupts the life of the nation and state,” said Prof Arif.

By maintaining academic integrity and noble national values, the Rector hopes that the citizens of IPB University can contribute positively to the development of the nation and state, especially in the field of Agromaritime.

“Let us show that IPB University is an educational institution that always prioritises national unity,” he invited.

Finally he also expressed his hope, “May Allah SWT always bless and protect us all in carrying out the mandate and responsibility as part of academic people with integrity and professionalism,” concluded Prof Arif. (IAAS/RUM)