IPB University Students Hold Social Project in Scavenger Village

IPB University Students Hold Social Project in Scavenger Village

Mahasiswa IPB University Gelar Social Project di Kampung Pemulung
Student Insight EN

IPB University Leadership Dormitory students took the initiative to make a social project as a form of concrete contribution to overcome problems in Mongol Village, Tegallega Village, Bogor City. The social project activity was held on Saturday, 3/2 at Al-Ikhlas Assembly, Mongol Village which involved around 30 children ranging in age from 5 to 15 years. This social project aims to increase the knowledge of Mongol Village children, especially related to personal hygiene.

“This activity is also useful to erase the stigma that family background is not an obstacle to not pursuing education even though it comes from a family of scavengers or beggars,” said the Chief Executive of the social project, Muhammad Abdan Rofi.

He explained that around 80 percent of the 900 families living in Mongol Village work as scavengers, beggars and some others as manual laborers. Education in the Mongol Village area is also a concern of this social project activity.

“This activity also contains education to children about the importance of washing hands and brushing teeth, because some of these children are lacking in maintaining hygiene, especially washing hands and brushing teeth,” said Muhammad Abdan Rofi.

“In the past, you didn’t go to school. I hope that one day the children in Mongol Village will get a proper education so that they can get a decent job for their better future,” explained Budiman, as the Head of the Majelis Al-Ikhlas Community.

Budiman hoped that one day migrants who visit Mongol Village can see the achievements of children in Mongol Village who are equal to or even better than other children.

At the end of the session, IPB University Leadership Dormitory personnel also distributed hand washing soap to each child as a form of encouragement and effort to implement the habit of washing hands before eating and after eating. (*/Lp) (IAAS/Ard)