IPB University Launches Student Entrepreneurship Program and Startup School

IPB University Launches Student Entrepreneurship Program and Startup School

IPB University Luncurkan Program Mahasiswa Wirausaha dan Startup School

IPB University launched “The Entrepreneurial Journey through the Student Entrepreneur Program and Startup School” program at Andi Hakim Nasution Auditorium, 24/2. This activity is an important momentum for IPB University students who are talented and passionate in developing their entrepreneurial skills.

Rector of IPB University, Prof Arif Satria said that Indonesia is targeted to become the fourth largest country in the world by 2045. In fact, world institutions have also predicted that Indonesia will become a great country.

“We can only become the world’s number four country if our economic growth in 2024-2045 stabilizes at 6-7 percent. To achieve 6-7 percent growth, there is no other way, other than we must be able to create people who become actors who can create economic growth,” said Prof Arif Satria.

Prof Arif Satria also said that to create the power of growth, the right sector selection, great innovation, and quality entrepreneurs are needed. According to him, an entrepreneur must have a focus on future practice, persistence and a good mindset.

“Whoever you are in the past, whatever your family background is in the past, the thing that determines the future is yourself with a growth mindset, full of persistence, never giving up, not complaining easily, focusing on opportunities and focusing on the future,” said Prof Arif Satria.

On this occasion, two IPB University alumni who have successfully run their businesses were also invited, which are Suma Nugraha, CEO of Chic n Tea and Radyum Ikono, CEO of Scooters.

Suma Nugraha stated that business ideas can come from solutions to problems that people commonly experience. He said the key to entrepreneurial success is to create opportunities, focus on solving problems, and the money will come by itself.

Meanwhile, Radyum Ikono gave tips for businesses to grow and be recognized by first attracting an audience. He gave an example, Scooters can become as big as it is today by building an audience first.

In addition to alumni who have been successful in business, three young entrepreneurs who are students of IPB University were also invited. The students are Jihan Nanda (CEO of Manise), Al Fiqie (Founder and CEO of PT Export Tani Nusantara) and Ayuk Widia Ningrum (CEO of Mochi.co). (IAAS/ZQA)