IPB University Graduate School Conducts Monev of BPI Scholarship Recipient Students

IPB University Graduate School Conducts Monev of BPI Scholarship Recipient Students

Sekolah Pascasarjana IPB University Lakukan Monev Mahasiswa Penerima Beasiswa BPI

The Graduate School (SPs) of IPB University and the Higher Education Financing Center (BPPT), Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology (Kemendikbud Ristek) carried out monitoring and evaluation (monev) activities of the Indonesian Education Scholarship (BPI) program in 2024 at the SPs Building of IPB University, Campus of IPB Darmaga, Bogor on 6/2.

This monev aims to obtain clarification and a more complete picture of the study progress of students receiving BPI scholarships including data on payment of Tuition Fees (UKT), activeness data, study progress data and obstacles being faced by students as well as data on BPI recipients from 2021 to 2023 at SPs IPB University.

Vice Dean for Academic and Student Affairs of SPs IPB University, Prof Agus Buono said that currently, SPs IPB University has developed a development system for monev called SIMONEV which can be accessed through the page https://simonev-pasca.ipb.ac.id.

“The purpose of SIMONEV is to increase the acceleration of graduation for master and doctoral programs routinely so that students, supervisors and study programs can see the progress of their students’ studies,” he said.

Prof Agus Buono explained the development of BPI program students at SPs IPB University. In 2021, there are 94 students participating in the BPI program, in 2022 there are 185 students and in 2023 there are 128 students.

“We hope that with this monev, BPI students can provide maximum benefits to all parties, both students and supervisors, so it can facilitate the study of BPI scholarship program students,” he added.

Prof Agus said that the BPI program is one of the government’s efforts to support Indonesian youth in achieving quality education. In this program, the Government provides opportunities for outstanding students to continue their studies in various well-known universities in Indonesia, one of which is IPB University.

This activity was also attended by Prof Titi Candra Sunarti, Vice Dean for Resources, Cooperation and Development of SPs IPB University, Rudi Irawan, as Chief of Administration, Zukhri Siregar as Chairman of Personnel and General Finance Subdivision, as well as representatives from BPI, Zidhan Haidar, Rachmania Aurel, Salma Ainindita and Primanda Dwi. (HBL/Lp). (IAAS/NAU)