Interested in Becoming a Biomolecular Expert? IPB University has a Biochemistry Study Programme, the only one in Indonesia

Interested in Becoming a Biomolecular Expert? IPB University has a Biochemistry Study Programme, the only one in Indonesia

Tertarik Jadi Ahli Biomolekuler? IPB University Punya Prodi Biokimia, Satu-satunya di Indonesia

The COVID-19 pandemic situation some time ago opened everyone’s eyes to the importance of health. Not only doctors are needed, biochemists, biomolecular experts are no less important for the world of health in the future.

To prepare superior human resources, namely biochemists, IPB University has a Biochemistry Undergraduate Study Programme (Prodi). This study programme is one of the nine study programmes in the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (FMIPA) IPB University.

By studying in Biochemistry undergraduate programme at IPB University, you will learn many things. Students will learn about DNA, proteins, drug development, compound isolation, human body metabolism and many more.

Not only useful in the health sector, biochemistry knowledge is also needed in other fields such as agriculture, industry and the environment. Graduates of Biochemistry IPB University will master the basic principles and methods of biochemistry and its applications in these fields.

Specifically, Biochemistry IPB University is the only undergraduate study programme in Indonesia that has received international accreditation in the field of Life Sciences from The Accreditation Agency for Study Programmes in Engineering, Informatics, Natural Sciences, and Mathematics (ASIIN).

Lava Febrian, an active student as well as Chairperson of the Biochemistry Professional Association ‘Crebs’ for the period 2023/2024 said, students can choose one of the three scientific fields / divisions in Biochemistry Study Program at IPB University, namely biomolecular, bioanalysis and metabolism.

“Studying at Biochemistry IPB University is exciting. Many of the sciences that we get relate to our lives. From semester 4, 5 and 6 according to experience, it is more focused on the health sector,” said Lava.

She also shared her experience of taking the metabolic division. “In the metabolism division, we learnt how humans develop and live daily to metabolise all the nutrients and food intake that we consume. Not only in humans, but also about the metabolism of plants and microorganisms or animals,” she said.

Some of the advantages of Biochemistry Study Programme of IPB University include having established close relationships with the industrial world, such as Return Legacy, Sdn Bhd, PT BioSM Indonesia, PT Prodia Widyahusada Tbk, PT Biofarma, PT Nano Herbaitama Indonesia, PT Biomagg Sinergi Internasional and CV Madu Apiari Nusantara.

The programme also actively cooperates internationally with a number of world universities, such as Kagawa University (Japan), Chang Gung University (Taiwan), Kasetsart University (Thailand), and Universiti Putra Malaysia (Malaysia). This cooperation is to provide opportunities for students and graduates to achieve a brilliant career.

The scope of job prospects for graduates of IPB University’s Biochemistry Undergraduate Study Programme is very diverse. They can choose according to their passion in their field. Graduates can have a career in education by becoming educators (lecturers / teachers), researchers in the food industry or the medical and health industry.

Opportunities are also open to work in the government, such as the Ministry of Health, the Food and Drug Supervisory Agency (BPOM), the Food, Drug and Cosmetics Assessment Institute of the Indonesian Ulema Council (LPPOM MUI), the Halal Product Guarantee Agency (BPJPH), and the Ministry of Agriculture. (Rosita/Rz) (IAAS/RUM)