Improving Learning Quality, IPB University Holds Coaching Clinic for 37 Courses

The Directorate of Educational Transformation and Learning Technology (DTPTP) of IPB University held a Coaching Clinic for Self-Paced Learning Method (SLM) in improving the quality of learning by conducting a series of mentoring for 37 courses (MK). This Coaching Clinic was held for three weeks, located at the Digital e-Learning Transformation Space (DeLTS), IPB Dramaga Campus, Bogor.
This Coaching Clinic activity was attended by all coordinators and teaching teams of each course involved in turn. The coaching process was accompanied by Dr Kaswanto with the aim of enriching and optimizing learning concepts, teaching methods, and creativity in the presentation of IPB University Lecture Management System (LMS) courses.
“This coaching is part of a series of Compulsory Competitive Collaborative Embryonic MOOCs (CCKEM) activities, which aims to prepare IPB University’s MOOCs self-paced learning,” explained Dr Kaswanto about the essence of this Coaching Clinic activity.
He continued, all teaching materials and documents produced will be uploaded on the official IPB University LMS platform, namely In addition, he also introduced the use of learning technologies such as the Zoom platform, Panopto and Artificial Intelligence (AI).
“The Coaching Clinic for 37 CCKEM courses seeks to start the application of the Self-paced Learning Method (SLM) which will become the embryo of IPB University Virtual Education. This coaching is done twice a week and the participants take turns from each teaching team of the 37 MKs,” he said.
“The continuation of this activity is the placement of 10 selected MKs to be presented at the Indonesia Cyber Education (ICE) Institute, so IPB University is committed to participating in its implementation,” added Dr Kaswanto.
He also said, this activity marked IPB University’s commitment in improving the quality of learning, ensuring that each course could provide an optimal online and self-paced learning experience for students.
“It is hoped that the results of this activity will have a positive impact in creating an innovative and creative learning landscape for tomorrow’s people at IPB University,” he concluded. (*/Lp) (IAAS/HLF)