IKA Faperta IPB University Receives Scholarship from BRI to Create Students with Integrity

IKA Faperta IPB University Receives Scholarship from BRI to Create Students with Integrity

IKA Faperta IPB University Terima Beasiswa dari BRI untuk Ciptakan Mahasiswa Berintegritas

Bank Rakyat Indonesia (BRI) continues its support for higher education by providing scholarship sponsorship to outstanding IPB University students through the Faculty of Agriculture Alumni Family Association (IKA Faperta). This scholarship is named the IKA Faperta 2024 Scholarship with the aim of providing financial support and motivation to students to achieve brilliant achievements.

This scholarship program is part of BRI’s initiative to improve the quality of human resources in Indonesia. Collaboration with IKA Faperta IPB University confirms BRI’s commitment to making positive contributions to the education sector

“We would like to thank BRI for the great support given to IPB Faculty of Agriculture students. This scholarship will provide additional motivation for students to continue achieving achievements,” said Octen Suhadi as Chair of IKA Faperta IPB University, on 24/01.

He continued, this scholarship not only provides financial assistance, but also involves students in self-development activities, mentoring and training. This aims to help scholarship recipients develop comprehensively so that they are ready to face various challenges in the future.

“This scholarship program is focused on students from the Faculty of Agriculture, IPB University, who demonstrate extraordinary achievements, both in the academic and non-academic realms. “The selection process includes assessment of academic achievements, organizational activities, interviews, to ensure that scholarships are awarded to those who have real potential to have a positive impact in the future,” said Octen.

Octen further said, this scholarship will provide opportunities for students to pursue their respective interests and talents. It is hoped that the continuation of this program will open up wider opportunities for outstanding students at IPB University and become an inspiration for other educational institutions.

“With so many companies involved in supporting education, it is hoped that Indonesia’s young generation can grow into individuals who have integrity, broad knowledge and are ready to compete at the global level,” he said.

“The 2024 IKA Faperta Scholarship is a concrete step in achieving this goal, leading to the formation of the next generation who have high competitiveness and are able to lead Indonesia towards a better future and create a positive impact in society, especially among students,” explained Octen. (*/Lp) (IAAS/ASD)