Five Interesting Facts about IPB University’s Silviculture Study Program, Number 5 The Waiting Period is Only 3 Months

Five Interesting Facts about IPB University’s Silviculture Study Program, Number 5 The Waiting Period is Only 3 Months

Lima Fakta Menarik Prodi Silvikultur IPB University, Nomor 5 Masa Tunggu Kerjanya Cuma 3 Bulan

There are many interesting undergraduate study programs at IPB University. One of them is Silviculture Study Program. This study program is perfect for prospective students who have an interest in forest cultivation and are at the forefront of protecting Indonesia’s forests.

During their studies, students of Silviculture Study Program at IPB University will learn about technology and art in fostering forest ecosystems which include all cultivation activities, such as seeding, nursery, planting, maintenance, and protection and monitoring of a forest ecosystem.

To get to know IPB University Silviculture Study Program, check out the following interesting facts about this study program that can be your consideration before deciding on a study program.

1. The First Study Program in Indonesia
IPB University Silviculture Study Program is the first silviculture study program in Indonesia. Established on August 2, 2005, this study program is now managed by the Department of Silviculture, Faculty of Forestry and Environment, IPB University.

2. Nationally and Internationally Accredited
IPB University’s Silviculture Study Program has been nationally accredited by the National Accreditation Board for Higher Education (BAN-PT) with an ‘A’ accreditation rating. In addition, this study program has also received international accreditation from the ASEAN University Network-Quality Assurance (AUNQA) for the 2015-2019 period and The Accreditation Agency for Study Programmes in Engineering, Informatics, Natural Sciences and Mathematics (ASIIN).

3. Learning Forestry Comprehensively
Students of IPB University Silviculture Study Program will learn forestry as a whole. Some of the subjects studied in this study program include forest protection, forest climate dynamics, forest pedology and nutrition, forest resource inventory, forest harvesting, forest ecology and forest entomology.

“This study program not only provides an understanding of planting, protecting and increasing the productivity of trees or plants, but also teaches genetics, data science, and post-mining land reclamation efforts,” said Salsa Fauziyyah Adni, an 8th semester student of IPB University’s Silviculture Study Program.

4. Implementing the K2020 Curriculum for MBKM Integration
IPB University Silviculture Study Program is among the study programs that have implemented the K2020 curriculum which has been integrated with Freedom of Learning – Independence Campus (MBKM). This allows students to practice directly in the company.

“In 2023 this study program will open internships for students who want to study at mining companies in Indonesia. This is one of the efforts to prepare students’ careers after college,” said Salsa.

5. Diverse Job Prospects
Head of the Silviculture Department of IPB University, Dr Omo Rusdiana, said that this study program produces graduates who master science, technology and art in fostering forest ecosystems which include all cultivation activities.

“The broad spectrum of the world of work shows that graduates of this study program can be accepted anywhere with an average waiting time for work ranging from 3-6 months,” he said.

Graduates of IPB University’s Silviculture Study Program can work in ministries, state-owned enterprises (BUMN), district / city governments, the National Innovation Research Agency (BRIN), regional and international institutions, mining companies, or non-governmental organizations (NGOs). In addition, opportunities to become teachers, researchers, lecturers, consultants, and entrepreneurs are also widely open. (MHT/Rz) (IAAS/Ard)