Fema IPB University and the FISIP UIN Walisongo discussed Strategies for Global-Scale Development of Social Science

Fema IPB University and the FISIP UIN Walisongo discussed Strategies for Global-Scale Development of Social Science

Fema IPB University dan FISIP UIN Walisongo Diskusikan Strategi Pengembangan Social Science Berskala Global

Faculty of Human Ecology (Fema) IPB University received a benchmarking visit from Faculty of Social and Political Sciences (FISIP) UIN Walisongo, Semarang. This visits aimed at acquiring knowledge and discussing the “Strengthening of Program Profiles and International Networks.” The visit took place on Tuesday, 20/2.

Dr Misbah Zulfa Elizabet, Dean of FISIP UIN Walisongo, stated, “Referring to the Strategic Plan (Renstra) of UIN Walisongo, FISIP UIN Walisongo is driven to enhance its activities and existence on the global stage.”

She expressed interest in learning about Fema IPB University’s strategies in partnering internationally and efforts to strengthen program profiles at Fema IPB University.

Dr Sofyan Sjaf, Dean of Fema IPB University, welcomed the benchmarking visit from FISIP UIN Walisongo and explained several aspects of Fema’s profile, including innovations such as the Fema commission’s Data Desa Presisi (Precision Village Data), Satuan Usaha Akademik (Academic Business Unit), and Fema’s Social Laboratory.

Meanwhile, Prof Dodik Briawan, Vice Dean of Fema IPB University for Resources, Cooperation, and Development, also explained Fema’s international cooperation in the near future and various partnerships both domestically and abroad.

“I am interested in exploring further about DDP and the social laboratory managed by Fema. This could be a suggestion for our faculty because many student activities directly involve the community,” said the Vice Dean for Academic and Institutional Affairs of FISIP UIN Walisongo at Fema IPB University’s Collaboration House.

After hearing the presentation from the Dean of Fema, Dr Misbah stated, “Apparently, there are many similarities in expertise between Fema and FISIP UIN Walisongo. It would be great if we could engage in team teaching collaborations between Fema and FISIP UIN Walisongo faculty members. It seems that there will be many further meetings after this for the development of social science expertise,” said Dr Misbah.

This was welcomed by Dr Tin Herawati, Chair of the Department of Family and Consumer Sciences (IKK) at IPB University. She mentioned that there will be further meetings between IKK faculty members and FISIP UIN Walisongo faculty members for team teaching collaborations.

“There are several collaboration plans, including involving FISIP UIN Walisongo students in summer course activities at Fema and organizing conferences that collaborate with various universities, both domestic and international, focusing on social science,” she said. (* / Lp) (IAAS/Hap)