Establishing a Faculty of Medicine, Sari Mulia University Conducting Learning at IPB University

Rector and two Vice Rectors from Sari Mulia University, Banjarmasin visited IPB University and its Faculty of Medicine. The guests from Sari Mulia University, Banjarmasin was welcomed directly by Pjs Dean of Faculty of Medicine, Professor Srihadi Agung Priatno at AM Satari Building, Faculty of Medicine at IPB Dramaga Campus, on Thursday, 1/2.
This visit program was attended by the leader of Sari Mulia University, namely Dr Dwi Sogi Sri Redjeki, Rector of Sari Mulia University, Dr Dede Mahdiyah, Vice Rector for Academic Affairs and Human Resources and also Hariadi Widodo, Vice Rector for General and Finance.
Prof Srihadi said, this arrival of every leader from Sari Mulia University in order to study at IPB University is related to the plan with aims to establish a medical faculty at Sari Mulia University, Banjarmasin. “As we know, IPB University has just established a medical university, so our team from Sari Mulia University wants to study with us,” he said.
“Sari Mulia University is one of the private universities in Banjarmasin that has a considerable opportunity in establishing a medical faculty. They want to get feedback on how to establish a medical faculty,” said Srihadi.
Furthermore, Prof Srihadi conveyed the experiences that IPB University had in every process of managing establishment of medical faculty.
“While we refer to other experiences we have, the most important thing to prepare is the lecturer’s resources. Establishing a medical faculty is not an easy thing, one of the main requirements is that there must be at least 26 new lecturers and Sari Mulia University, currently has a health faculty and even has a hospital so that from the infrastructure side is ready enough,” he added.
Rector of Sari Mulia University, Dr Dwi Sogi Sri Rezeki said that his visit to IPB University in order to establish a medical faculty. “From this visit I hope we can form and strengthen the team to step up to the next stage in order to establish a medical faculty,” he said.
“This plan to establish this medical faculty is very supported by local stakeholders and officials there, only we are still difficult in terms of human resources even though we already have a hospital, the need for lecturers for the medical faculty is still difficult,” said Dr Dwi. (dh/Lp) (IAAS/IAN)