Encouraging Increased Fish Production, SV IPB University Students Conduct Training on the Application of the RAS System

In order to increase fish production, good water quality management is required. This is to maintain fish health and ensure optimal production activities. Water quality problems in fish production can be prevented by using Recirculating Aquaculture System (RAS) technology. However, there are only a few people who understand the application of the RAS system.
Therefore, IPB Vocational School student from the Production Technology and Management of Aquaculture Study Program, Fatanul Thoriq, conducted training on the RAS system to maintain water quality in fish production. The training was given to the fisheries Working Group (Pokja) at Pondok Pesantren Nurul Muhibbin Halong, South Kalimantan.
“Improper water quality management will have an impact on reducing fish appetite and can make fish easily stressed, making fish vulnerable to disease and it will result in fish death,” said Fatanul, on Wednesday, 07/02.
Fatanul continued, the training was conducted through village development activities that lasted for three months. The training was conducted in the form of discussions with the surrounding community and hands-on practice of the application of RAS technology.
On the same occasion, the Fisheries Working Group, Doni Damara appreciated the training activities carried out by students of the IPB University Vocational School. “This water quality training is expected to provide experience and understanding to the community to increase fish production by paying attention to the water quality of the cultivation pond,” said Doni.
“We thank the IPB University Vocational School students for providing training to the working group members so that they can increase their understanding of fish farming, especially water quality. Hopefully, the implementation of the RAS system and water quality monitoring can reduce fish mortality,” said Doni. (*/Lp) (NYS)