SKHB IPB University Holds Pre-Workshop for Undergraduate Curriculum and Veterinary Professional Education Programme

SKHB IPB University Holds Pre-Workshop for Undergraduate Curriculum and Veterinary Professional Education Programme

SKHB IPB University Selenggarakan Pra-Lokakarya Kurikulum Program Sarjana dan Pendidikan Profesi Dokter Hewan

The Curriculum Workshop for the Bachelor of Veterinary Medicine (SKH) programme and the Veterinary Professional Education (PPDH) programme of the School of Veterinary Medicine and Biomedical Sciences (SKHB) IPB University is held every five years with the aim of updating the curriculum. “Small group discussions usually consist of groups of 12 to 16 students per class that are held for two weeks before the midterm and final exams. This small group discussion aims to fulfil competencies in communication, teamwork and integration between courses,” said Dr Agung.

Another resource person, Head of the Veterinary Medicine Study Program (PSKH) Universitas Padjadjaran (Unpad), Dr Endang Yuni Setyowati, explained the implementation of the curriculum with the Block System based on the organ system.

“With the Block System, we can arrange the curriculum for seven semesters for the undergraduate level and three semesters for the professional education level. Students can learn in an integrated manner in the blocks that have been set,” said Dr Endang.

The pre-workshop ended with an explanation of the Competency Test for Veterinary Education Programme Students (UKMPPDH) delivered by the Chair of the UKMPPDH National Committee, as well as the Vice Rector for Education and Student Affairs of IPB University, Prof Deni Noviana.

“UKMPPDH is one of the graduation requirements for students to become veterinarians, which is carried out nationally under the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology,” he said.

Prof Deni continued, the graduation requirements for students to become a veterinarian can be added with other requirements such as a comprehensive final exam according to the policies of each university.

The series of pre-workshops that have been carried out aim to provide insight to SKHB IPB University lecturers about the curriculum and learning methods so that they can be taken into consideration in the process of updating the curriculum in the future. (wep/kms/Lp) (IAAS/RUM)