Practitioner Teaching: IPB University Invites Experts to Share Tips for Applying for Jobs

Practitioner Teaching: IPB University Invites Experts to Share Tips for Applying for Jobs

Praktisi Mengajar: IPB University Undang Pakar Berbagi Tips Jitu Melamar Kerja

IPB University invited one of the strategic communication experts, Fardila Astari Rachmilliza to share with students in a workshop on job application tips. This activity is one of the implementations of the Teaching Practitioner programme at IPB University, Freedom of Learning- Independence Campus (MBKM).

Fardila, Director of Communications at Rajawali Foundation, revealed that in the professional world, interaction with various individuals and compliance with corporate rules are very important.

According to her, each industry has different guidelines and norms because its professionals come from diverse educational backgrounds and education.

“When entering the corporate world, the differences in corporate culture are very obvious, especially in the guidebook on corporate culture,” she said during the workshop at the Innopreneur Centre Building, Dramaga Campus.

Regarding tips for successfully applying for a job, Fardila conveyed one surefire strategy so that job applications can be accepted. That strategy is to bring a proposal during the interview as a very effective step.

“This approach shows commitment and seriousness towards the company, and allows us to provide concrete solutions to potential problems faced by the company,” she explained.

Chairperson of Communication Bureau of IPB University, Yatri Indah Kusumastuti, expressed her gratitude to the speakers who have been pleased to present the workshop at IPB University.

According to her, this workshop is very useful to provide an understanding of post-study steps and the job recruitment process. In addition, information about scholarships abroad will also be part of the workshop material.

“I hope my fellow students can utilise all the insights and information provided to improve their quality and opportunities in the future,” she said.

On that occasion, IPB University students also received an offer of scholarship opportunities abroad. The scholarship introduced was The Indonesian Scholarship and Research Support Foundation (ISRSF).

Chairman of ISRSF, Irfan R Hutagalung, SH, LLM said, ISRSF is a scholarship initiated by a number of Indonesian and US scholars. The main focus of the ISRSF scholarship is to form a group of qualified Indonesian scholars who are trained at leading universities in the world.

“I believe that the current investment in education and research by ISRSF will produce excellent scholars for future generations,” he explained. (dr/Rz) (IAAS/RUM)