PKSPL IPB University and Tanggamus Regency Collaborate on Implementing Blue Economy

PKSPL IPB University and Tanggamus Regency Collaborate on Implementing Blue Economy

PKSPL IPB University dan Kabupaten Tanggamus Jalin Kerja Sama Implementasi Blue Economy

The Center for Coastal and Marine Resources Studies (PKSPL) IPB University and the Regional Government (Pemda) of Tanggamus Regency have collaborated to develop the blue economy in the Tanggamus coastal area. The meeting of the two institutions was held on Tuesday, 23/1 at the Executive Development Training Center (EDTC) Building, IPB Baranangsiang Campus, Bogor.

Mulyadi Irsan, Acting Regent of Tanggamus, said in his presentation that Tanggamus is developing the Tanggamus Coastal Development Movement (GEMPITA) program which is in line with the concept of blue economy and sustainable development.

“Tanggamus Beach is around 202 kilometers long and has quite large coastal and marine potential such as capture fisheries, aquaculture, tourism, sea transportation (ports), energy resources, mining and conservation,” he said.

He revealed that this potential has not been exploited properly even though this product is actually in great demand in other countries such as China and Taiwan, resulting in economic disparities between coastal areas and areas in mainland and mountainous areas.

“I hope that with this meeting, PKSPL IPB University can help prepare a blueprint for an action plan for implementing GEMPITA based on the blue economy and sustainable development,” he said.

Vice Rector for Research, Innovation, and Agromaritime Development at IPB University, Prof Ernan Rustiadi, said that IPB University and Tanggamus Regency have collaborated for quite a long time in the Real Work Lecture (KKN) program and many IPB University students have been deployed to Tanggamus.

“I think it was a wise decision for the Tanggamus Regional Government to collaborate with IPB University for the development of a blue economy. IPB University has extensive experience in conducting studies related to sustainable coastal areas,” said Prof Ernan.

Meanwhile, Andy Afandi, the Deputy for Natural Resources and Environmental Management at PKSPL IPB University, stated that PKSPL IPB University has ample experience in assisting local governments to develop and accelerate the growth of sustainable coastal areas.

He further explained that PKSPL IPB University had recently conducted indirect research and development projects in Tanggamus to increase community resilience in terms of disaster management.

Prof Luky Adrianto, from the Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences (FPIK) at IPB University, highlighted the key factors for the successful implementation of integrated and sustainable coastal area management. He emphasized the need for consistent leadership from champions during program implementation, as well as collective leadership from the executive, legislature and other stakeholders involved in coastal management.

Meanwhile, PKSPL IPB University’s Main Advisor, Prof Ario Damar, expressed their readiness to contribute to the development of the Tanggamus coastal area. They are willing to offer all their resources, including experts, innovation results, and national and international networks to accelerate the development of the area. (*/Lp) (IAAS/ASD)