IPB University Socialises the Teaching Practitioner Program Year 2024

IPB University Socialises the Teaching Practitioner Program Year 2024

IPB University Sosialisasikan Program Praktisi Mengajar Tahun 2024

IPB University socialised the 4th Teaching Practitioner Program (PM4) Year 2024. The socialisation activity was carried out online by inviting the Vice Deans of Faculties/Schools, Chairmen of Departments, Chairmen of Study Programs and lecturers within IPB University on 16/1.

In his direction, the Vice Rector for Education and Student Affairs, Prof Deni Noviana, said that the Teaching Practitioner Programme (PM) was carried out in order to support the improvement of learning model enrichment.

“This activity is one of the Freedom of Learning – Independence Campus (MBKM) programmes which is included in the flagship programme of the government. IPB University has participated in the Teaching Practitioner Programme since PM2 and PM3. This year 2024 is the 4th Batch of Teaching Practitioners,” he said.

He further said that the PM2 and PM3 Programmes provided extraordinary experiences and benefits for students and lecturers of IPB University related to updating learning innovations related to Semester Learning Plans (RPS), Personal Development Plans (RPD), Assessment Rubrics, hard skills, soft skills, power skills to future skills of students.

In addition, Prof Deni said that the PM Programme has had a real impact on lectures at IPB University.

“PM 2 has involved 38 Collaborative Class Plans (RKK) with 34 practices. The data increased in PM3 to 56 RKK with 61 practitioners so that it had a positive impact on IPB University’s 4th Main Work Index (IKU), which would also have an impact on IKU 7, IKU 1 and also IKU 2,” he said.

He continued, IPB University always encourages PM activities by always maintaining its sustainability until it increases collaboration, both from the number of Courses (MK), RKK, practitioners, lecturers and of course the number of students who benefit from this PM programme.

Meanwhile, the Coordinator of Higher Education for Teaching Practitioners of IPB University, Dr Kaswanto conveyed various matters related to technical guidance as stated in the PM4 Socialisation Material by the central committee. This relates to collaboration schemes, PM process schemes, funding, terms and conditions for college coordinators, PM4 programme participants to the timeline of the 4th batch PM Programme, as well as the completeness of the required documents.

“The socialisation will be held until 31 January 2024. College account registration is carried out until 25 January 2024,” he said.

He further appealed to participants who had not had the opportunity to participate in the socialisation to study and access PM4 guidelines through the https://s.id/PitchDeckSosialisasiPM4 page. (dh/Lp) (IAAS/RUM)