IPB University Postgraduate School Holds Engineer’s Oath Taking

IPB University Postgraduate School Holds Engineer’s Oath Taking

Sekolah Pascasarjana IPB University Gelar Pengambilan Sumpah Insinyur

IPB University’s Postgraduate School (SPs) held the oath-taking of engineers for the Professional Engineer Program (PPI) at the SPs Building, Bogor on Saturday, 27/1. The oath was taken by 37 graduates who had taken professional engineering education through the regular route and Recognition of Past Learning (RPL).

In his speech, Prof Dodik Ridho Nurrochmat, Dean of SPs IPB University congratulated the PPI graduates. Currently, 625 people have been sworn in from the first to fifth generations, most of whom are from the biological group.

“Today those who took the oath consisted of five graduates in the field of agricultural industrial engineering, six graduates of agriculture and agricultural products, six graduates of forestry, six graduates of animal husbandry, seven graduates of fisheries and maritime affairs, five graduates of civil and environmental affairs and two graduates of applied science,” he said.

Prof Dodik said that the professional engineering program was held to provide direction for the growth and improvement of the professionalism of engineers as reliable and highly competitive professionals, with quality work results and guaranteed public benefit.

“This program also aims to emphasize the role of Indonesian engineering in national development by increasing the added value of the country’s wealth by mastering and advancing science and technology and building Indonesia’s independence,” he added.

Prof Dodik added that the availability of professional human resources (HR) in adequate numbers is one of the essential prerequisites for successful national development. “The engineering profession includes the stages of initiation, planning, execution, monitoring, and evaluation, as well as the termination of various national development activities, such as infrastructure projects, industrial development, and so on,” he added.

Prof Dodik explained that currently reliable engineers are needed who prioritize professionalism, ethics, and integrity by upholding and implementing the code of ethics for the engineering profession. PPI IPB University graduates are expected to be able to participate and contribute to accelerating the number of certified professional engineers through professional engineering education.

“Engineers are expected to be able to collaborate, not only with partners in the same engineering field or within the biological group but also across engineering fields. “This is to provide added value and sustainable use by paying attention to safety, health, benefit and welfare of the community and environmental sustainability,” he said.

“Meanwhile, Ir Bambang Goeritno, Secretary General of the Indonesian Engineers Association (PII) said that since PPI was launched by the Government in 2016, there have been 43 universities (PT), both public and private, and have graduated approximately 22,000 people,” PII said. “I appreciate the various efforts of SPs IPB University, hopefully, this program can continue to be encouraged in the future, both in the quantity of participants and in quality,” he said. (HBL/LP) (IAAS/ASD)