IPB University Opens Opportunities to Open Campus Abroad

IPB University Opens Opportunities to Open Campus Abroad

IPB University Buka Peluang Pembukaan Kampus di Luar Negeri

IPB University is currently preparing opportunities for the development of IPB campuses abroad. This was revealed during the Kick Off Meeting: IPB Campus Abroad towards Global Education (9/1).

“In accordance with IPB milestones 2024-2028, IPB University wants to achieve Global Engagement in 2026. Global education at IPB University is embodied in the form of the establishment of international classes, study programmes and campuses,” said Vice Rector for Education and Student Affairs, Prof Deni Noviana.

He explained, there are three main points carried in the theme of work 2026: Global Engagement, namely global student and alumni network, global collaborative research, and global industrial engagement. These three points become the foundation for international mobility.

In its journey, Prof Deni said, IPB University has attractiveness and driving factors in strengthening the flow of international mobility. Such as the learning scheme, engaging learning journey, dynamic and healthy student life, and hassle-free international student services that attract international students.

“In addition, the tagline ‘IPB Students Going Global’ (mobility of IPB students who exchange abroad) strengthens IPB University’s global education,” he added.

In 2024, IPB University opened international classes in a number of study programmes, namely smart agriculture, veterinary medicine, marine science and technology, food technology, agricultural industrial engineering, management, agribusiness, resource and environmental economics, Islamic economics and business.

“One of the basic capital or strengths of IPB University to build campuses abroad is science, human resources (HR), capital / material, and networking strength. If a healthy ecosystem has been formed, then the greater the opportunity for IPB University to achieve global education,” said Prof Deni.

According to him, the plan to open IPB University campuses abroad has market potential in several countries, namely Malaysia, China, the Middle East, Africa and Timor Leste. One of them, Negeri Jiran, Malaysia became the choice of IPB University to start its steps in establishing campuses abroad due to the demand for 1,000 veterinarians from the country.

In the Kick Off Meeting, Prof Deni Noviana also brought together the vice-chancellors, deans, directors, heads of units, former education attachés and IPB academic community to discuss the development of IPB campuses abroad.

“The next step, IPB University will form a focus group discussion related to technical issues of overseas campus development. With this agenda, it is hoped that IPB University will become closer to the world and exist in the international arena,” he concluded. (*/Rz) (IAAS/RSL)