IPB University Graduate School Holds Indonesian Language Proficiency Test for KNB Students

IPB University Graduate School Holds Indonesian Language Proficiency Test for KNB Students

Sekolah Pascasasarjana IPB University Adakan Uji Kemahiran Berbahasa Indonesia Bagi Mahasiswa KNB

The Postgraduate School (SPs) of IPB University held an Indonesian Language Proficiency Test (UKBI) for international students from the Developing Country Partnership (KNB) scholarship programme and non-KNB who continue their studies both master and doctoral programmes at SPs IPB University. UKBI was conducted online at the Library Building, IPB Dramaga Campus, on 8/1.

KNB Scholarship is a scholarship programme by the Directorate General of Higher Education (Ditjen Dikti) of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology (Kemendikbudristek). The scholarship aims to improve the quality and international reputation of Indonesian higher education.

KNB scholarships are offered to foreign nationals from developing countries who have academic potential and have an interest in studying at universities in Indonesia. IPB University is one of the reputable universities in Indonesia mandated to run this programme.

Dr Defina, lecturer coordinator of the Indonesian language class said that UKBI is given to foreign students to measure their Indonesian language skills and the results will be a guideline for SPs IPB University to know their level.

“Based on the law, foreign students studying in Indonesia must have a minimum level of five to be able to attend lectures in Indonesian,” she said.

Dr Defina added that UKBI can assess KNB students who have only been learning Indonesian for three months, regarding their achievements and difficulties faced, so that it will be an evaluation and benchmark for further learning.

“These foreign students will get a certificate after participating in the UKBI, with the certificate it is hoped that the certificate will be used to develop Indonesian in their country, so that Indonesian can be recognised in their country,” she added.

Meanwhile, Fatmasari Siregar, Chief of Subdivision of Public Relations, Cooperation and New Student Admission (PMB) SPs IPB University said, the KNB scholarship will contribute to the development of human resources (HR) in the student’s home country.

“The KNB student programme in the first year is required to follow the Indonesian language programme as a provision to follow education at SPs IPB University and in the second year is given an Indonesian cultural traveller programme,” said Fatmasari.

“The introduction of Indonesian culture is very important so that they understand the cultures that exist in Indonesia. So that it can be a medium for promoting Indonesian culture in the international realm and will contribute to positive dynamics and cross-cultural interactions between the Indonesian academic community and international students,” she explained. (HBL/Lp) (IAAS/RUM)