IPB University and ICE Institute Discuss the Preparation of Self-Paced Courses

The Directorate of Educational Transformation and Learning Technology (DTPTP) of IPB University together with Indonesia Cyber Education (ICE) Institute held a discussion for the preparation of even semester lectures for the academic year 2023/2024. The discussion took place in the Rector’s Conference Room, IPB Dramaga Campus (3/1).
Director of ICE Institute, Paulina Panen conveyed the purpose of her visit to discuss the involvement and policy of IPB University for ICE Institute. In addition, the plan for paid courses and follow-up training for the development of self-paced courses on the ICE Institute platform were also discussed.
“There will be a renewal of the cooperation agreement (PKS) related to this paid course clause,” he added.
Vice Rector of IPB University for Education and Student Affairs, Prof drh Deni Noviana welcomed the points proposed by the ICE Institute, especially related to the preparation for the business model and demand for IPB University international courses.
“The follow-up meeting related to the cooperation of this business model certainly needs to be guarded together. IPB University will discuss internally first and later it will be followed up at the meeting to prepare for the signing of this PKS, “he said in response to the ICE Institute’s preparation regarding the amount of course fees that will be applied in July 2024 (Batch 7).
Director of Finance of IPB University, Dr Indah Yuliasih also supported the plan of this paid course. “In fact, it is necessary to study in detail what things need to be compensated from this lecture activity, so that the amount of cost per semester credit unit (SKS) in the ICE Institute will be more appropriate,” she said.
Meanwhile, Director of DTPTP IPB University, Ir Lien Herlina, MSc said that the interests of the ICE Institute are very much in line with the objectives of IPB University to develop Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) that are fully self-paced.
“Currently IPB University is preparing courses that can be taken online independently by students.” Furthermore, Lien sparked the existence of Virtual Education or Virtu-Edu IPB University which will be the embryo of IPB MOOCs LMS moodle.
At the end of the discussion, Basuki Hardjojo as the manager of the ICE Institute reminded that general basic courses (MKDU) should also be placed at the ICE Institute, because MKDU will facilitate several universities that have difficulty in organising MKDU independently.
Dr Kaswanto, as IPB University Management PIC for ICE Institute firmly conveyed, for this even semester 2023/2024 (Batch 6), IPB University plans to place ten courses and at least two international courses on the ICE Institute platform.
“These ten courses come from 37 Compulsory Competitive Collaborative Embryonic MOOCs (CCKEM) courses that have gone through a selection and competition process in the previous semester,” he said. (*/Rz) (IAAS/RUM)