Celebration of the First Anniversary of IPB Future Museum and Gallery

On 12/1, the IPB Future Museum and Gallery officially turned one year old. To celebrate the anniversary, the IPB Future Museum and Gallery organized a series of events from the 12th to the 31st of January. One of the activities included a temporary exhibition titled “Memorabilia Dasawarsa IPB: Weaving the Development of 10 Years of IPB in a Week at the IPB Future Museum and Gallery building, located at IPB Dramaga Campus, Bogor.
One hundred students from the Sekolah Murid Merdeka (SMM) in Bogor also participated in the event by presenting a storytelling session titled “Tolong Selamatkan Aku”, delivered by Rahmah Zikra Utami, a storytelling activist from Bogor. Using a fun-learning method, the storytelling aimed to enhance the young generation’s love for history and museums, especially the IPB Future Museum and Gallery.
Dr Syafitri Hidayati, the Assistant for Digital Archives and Museum Management at the Institute for Information Management and Digital Transformation (LMITD) of IPB University, stated, “If we liken the age of human growth, then in this first year, the IPB University museum has entered the walking phase. In addition, guidance and support from the IPB University Rector and his team have played a crucial role in the development of programs in this museum.”
Ir Julio Adisantoso, M.Kom, the Chairperson of LMITD, commended the achievements of the IPB Future Museum and Gallery over the past year. “I hope this museum can become a reference for higher agricultural education in Indonesia.”
Meanwhile, Dr Alim Setiawan Slamet, the Vice Rector of IPB University for Resilience of Resources and Infrastructure, expressed pride and future expectations for the IPB Future Museum and Gallery.
“We wish the IPB Future Museum and Gallery a happy birthday. Hopefully, it continues to progress, becomes more successful, adds more to its collections, and remains vibrant to inspire all members of the IPB University community and the entire Indonesian society. Always victorious,” he said.
Prof Deni Noviana, the Vice Rector of IPB University for Education and Student Affairs, also extended congratulations and hopes for the development of the IPB Future Museum and Gallery. “I hope the IPB Future Museum and Gallery can always provide information related to the history and development of IPB University and its future vision,” stated Prof Deni.
Prof Agus Purwito, the Secretary of the Institute, also attended and expressed his hope that as the IPB Future Museum and Gallery grows older, it will not only serve as a place for storing old collections full of memories but will also continue to evolve and showcase engaging activities that rely on information systems and digitization.
The peak of the celebration concluded with the screening of the video “Museum and Gallery IPB Future 1 Year,” presenting the development and increased number of visits as a positive impact of improved services. The IPB Future Museum and Gallery continues to grow and develop, providing information on the history, development, and future of agricultural higher education in Indonesia in a recreational manner, aiming to benefit future generations. (*/Lp) (IAAS/Hap)