Campus Entrance Selection is Coming Soon, Hundreds of Counselling Teachers Follow the Socialisation of SNPMB IPB University

Campus Entrance Selection is Coming Soon, Hundreds of Counselling Teachers Follow the Socialisation of SNPMB IPB University

Seleksi Masuk Kampus Sebentar Lagi, Ratusan Guru Bimbingan Konseling Ikuti Sosialisasi SNPMB IPB University

Hundreds of Guidance Counselling Teachers (BK) attended the socialisation of the National Selection of New Student Admission (SNPMB) and Independent Pathway of IPB University in 2024. Nearly 400 counselling teachers attended from Jabodetabek, Cianjur, Banten, Bandung and several other areas. The activity was held on 4/1 at the Auditorium of the Faculty of Economics and Management (FEM), IPB Dramaga Campus, Bogor.

The socialisation of SNPMB IPB University was carried out in an effort to provide an explanation of the various changes that occurred in the new student admission system in State Universities (PTN) in 2024.

In his speech, Vice Rector for Education and Student Affairs of IPB University, Prof Deni Noviana warmly welcomed all BK teachers who attended the socialisation. “We hope that counseling teachers can direct their students well and provide enlightenment so that students do not choose the wrong study destination,” said Prof Deni.

Furthermore, he conveyed the importance of this socialisation activity. “This socialisation activity is important so that you can find out the latest information regarding the selection provisions for entering state universities,” he said.

Prof Deni explained, in the admission of new students IPB University offers various study programmes (Prodi) in undergraduate programmes and applied undergraduate programmes.

Bekti Cahyo Hidayanto, M.Kom, SNPMB Central Committee explained about the National Selection Based on Achievement (SNBP) and National Selection Based on Test (SNBT).

“Students who have passed the selection of SNBP and SNBT pathways and students have registered, then these students cannot register again in the independent pathway selection at other state universities,” he said.

Not only that, Bekti noted that the central committee has a special way to anticipate when there is a spike in report card scores in the fifth semester in filling the School and Student Data Base (PDSS).

“We all want to send students who have the ability. Therefore, we must go through the process honestly and not do things that harm this process,” he said.

Regarding the selection quota, Dr Utami Dyah Syafitri, Director of Education Administration of IPB University said that the largest quota in the admission pathway at IPB University was the SNPB Pathway, which was 40 percent.

“In carrying out the selection, IPB University uses historical school data where students from the school must have a good track record,” she said.

Dr Utami conveyed that IPB University has many entry points, so there are 8000 seats that provide wide opportunities for students who want to enter IPB University. (dh/Lp) (IAAS/RUM)