At IPB, Hundreds of Guidance Counselling Teachers Confide in Psychiatrists for Friendly Tips to Face Gen Z

At IPB, Hundreds of Guidance Counselling Teachers Confide in Psychiatrists for Friendly Tips to Face Gen Z

Di IPB, Ratusan Guru BK Curhat ke Psikiater Tips Ramah Hadapi Gen Z

IPB University held a Workshop on Tips and Tricks for Guidance Counselling Teachers (BK) Friendly to Generation Z. This activity was held in the Auditorium of the Faculty of Economics and Management (FEM), IPB Dramaga Campus (4/1). At this moment, the counselling teachers from various schools talked about their experiences in counselling the students who are the generation Z.

Secretary of IPB University, Prof Agus Purwito said, IPB University has consistently held joint synergy activities throughout 2023 through webinars. This activity has produced 10 webinar series aimed at counseling teachers, parents and teenage high school students.

“The challenges faced by parents in higher education include the changing definition of the internet generation, artificial intelligence, and digital mapping for generation Z who are highly skilled in technology,” he said.

Furthermore, Prof Agus said, generation Z, which lives in the gadget era, is faced with various twists and turns. They are digitally communicative, and government regulations regarding quality assurance have opened the door for online learning.

“The characteristics of Generation Z include independence, tolerance and individualism, as their social interactions happen online more often than in the family environment. They show attention to academic achievement, so the role of schools becomes very important in shaping their character,” he said.

Prof Agus hopes that the knowledge gained from this workshop can be implemented effectively by BK teachers in their respective schools, to support better development for students.

Workshop resource person, Dr Elvine Gunawan SpKj, revealed that the uniqueness of Generation Z includes various aspects that distinguish them from previous generations. They show indifference to the process, especially in the context of mental wellbeing.

“The impact of social media on generation Z is also very significant, where they actively access information and handle various problems independently through online platforms,” explained the psychiatrist and founder of Mental Hub Indonesia.

Dr Elvine continued that counselling teachers today face higher levels of stress, along with the demand to provide guidance that suits the needs of generation Z.

“Data shows that 57 per cent of gen Z have experienced trauma related to environmental and social issues, with the main focus on family dynamics as a difficult character that is often a problem,” she explained.

She added that the importance of childhood experiences as a determinant of individual growth regulation is a central issue. It can influence whether Generation Z will achieve healthy development or face certain obstacles.

“Therefore, a deep understanding of these issues is key, including learning gentlemanly values that can guide their life journey,” he said. (dr/Rz) (IAAS/RUM)