Announced Today, the Number of IPB University Postgraduate Student Candidates Increases

This year, the number of prospective students (camaba) of the Postgraduate School (SPs) of IPB University has increased significantly. This was revealed in the Plenary Meeting of New Student Admission Selection (PMB) for Even Semester 2023/2024, Friday (5/1).
This plenary meeting was attended by the Vice Rector for Education and Student Affairs, Vice Rector for Resource Resilience and Infrastructure, Deans, Vice Deans of Schools and Faculties, Director of Education Administration and the ranks of the new student admission team.
“The increase in the number of applicants is quite significant with the diversity of pathways chosen by prospective students,” said Prof Deni Noviana, Vice Rector of IPB University in the field of Education and Student Affairs when welcoming the meeting in Computer Hall A, Library Building B 2nd floor Dramaga Campus.
Prof Deni also expressed his appreciation to SPs IPB University which has succeeded in increasing the number of new student applicants which increased from the same period last year.
He added, in the selection this time the deans of schools and faculties can make a careful selection to see prospective students with backgrounds from various university graduates.
“We hope that through this selection, schools and faculties will get the best students,” he added.
Meanwhile, Prof Agus Buono, Vice Dean of SPs IPB University for Academic and Student Affairs reported that the total applicants in the even semester 2023/2024 were 529 prospective students. They consist of regular pathways, special classes and by research.
“There is an increase in the number of new students in this even semester compared to the even semester last year. This even semester admission is not like the odd semester because not all study programmes open registration,” he said.
In this plenary, Prof Agus also conveyed some information that SPs IPB University has currently obtained an ISO 21001: 2018 certificate related to the implementation of the Education Organisation Management System (SMOP), both for the implementation of multidisciplinary study programmes and overall academic administration services.
In addition, he said, currently being prepared related to the synergy of master-doctor programmes or Master’s Education towards Doctoral Excellence (PMDSU)-Like which has begun to be implemented.
“We also expect study programmes to be able to promote through podcasts that we have provided, in addition to active promotion to scholarship granting institutions and prospective students,” he explained.
Previously, SPs IPB University had carried out the registration process for new students for the even semester 2023/2024 from 23 October to 30 December 2023 online. The results of the selection of new student candidates were announced on 8 January 2024 which can be accessed through the page. (HBL/Rz) (IAAS/RUM)