Through Dosen Mengabdi Inovasi, Purwasari Village Community Receives Tilapia Cultivation Training

Through Dosen Mengabdi Inovasi, Purwasari Village Community Receives Tilapia Cultivation Training

Berkat Dosen Mengabdi Inovasi, Masyarakat Desa Purwasari Mendapat Pelatihan Budi Daya Ikan Nila

Collaboration continues to be carried out by IPB University with various parties, one of which is through the Directorate of Agromaritime Community Development (DPMA) by initiating the Innovation Service Lecturer programme.

Four lecturers from the Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Science (FPIK) of IPB University, namely Julia Eka Astarini, SPi, MSi; Wildan Nurussalam, SPi, MSi; Fajar Maulana, SPi, MSi; and Dr Mia Setiawati carried out the Innovation Service Lecturer programme by collaborating with Purwasari Village as a collaboration partner.

Purwasari Village is one of the villages around the campus. Its location is not far from IPB Dramaga Campus. The innovation carried out is training in tilapia cultivation. This is because Purwasari Village has a programme to become a tilapia centre village.

“This training provides insight for villagers on the application of good fish farming methods (CBIB) and intensive cultivation with the biofloc method,” said Julia Eka Astarini as team leader during the training held at Saung Desa Purwasari (3/12).

Furthermore, the Innovation Service Lecturer team carried out hands-on practice in one of the village’s cultivation ponds. Residents who participated in the training consisted of farmer groups and farmer women groups who were very enthusiastic about the training.

Julia said that the community service activities in Purwasari Village generally aim to increase inclusive and sustainable economic growth for residents. In addition, it also opens up productive and comprehensive employment opportunities and provides decent work for villagers.

These efforts are in line with the sustainable development goals (SDGs), especially the 8th SDG, namely decent work and economic growth.

“Hopefully, with this Lecturer Mengabdi Inovasi programme, Purwasari Village will become more advanced and can even become an example for other villages,” he hoped.

Purwasari Village Head, Yusuf Mustofa said, “This training can be an example for us in practising intensive cultivation. I really appreciate this activity because it is in line with the expectations of Purwasari Village as a tilapia centre village. I hope this activity can continue to be implemented and carried out continuously.” (*/Rz) (IAAS/RUM)