The Department of PSP IPB University Signs PKS with Kebumen Regency Government

The Department of PSP IPB University Signs PKS with Kebumen Regency Government

Departemen PSP IPB University Tandatangani PKS dengan Pemkab Kebumen

The Department of Fisheries Resource Utilization (PSP), Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Science (FPIK) IPB University signed a cooperation agreement (PKS) with the Kebumen Regency Government (Pemkab). The cooperation program covers the fields of education, research and community service.

Prof Tri Wiji Nurani, a lecturer at the Department of PSP IPB University as a native son of Kebumen Regency was moved to contribute in the form of thoughts or concrete actions. Starting from the IPB Pulang Kampung Lecturer (Dospulkam) program in 2022 and the extension of the memorandum of understanding (MoU).

“In 2023, IPB University sent 78 students to take part in the Thematic Real Work Lecture (KKN-T) Innovation which is spread across 8 villages in Kebumen, especially in the coastal village area. This year, the Innovation Service Lecturer program was being implemented again in Kebumen,” he said.

A number of cooperation programs are designed in a sustainable manner in order to realize the management and development of coastal villages into Advanced Capture Fisheries Villages.

“Kebumen has abundant potential natural resources, including land for agriculture, livestock and water areas both inland waters, rivers and sea waters. The marine resources owned by Kebumen Regency should be a potential that can be utilized for the socio-economic welfare of the community,” he said.

The Acting Temporary Chairman of the Regional Planning, Research and Development Agency (Bappeda) of Kebumen Regency, Drs Aden Andri Susilo, MSi, expressed interest in the programs presented by the FPIK IPB University.

“One of the potential villages to be the locus of cooperation is Jogosimo Village, which is a turtle breeding and conservation area,” he said after the signing of the Cooperation Agreement (PKS) at the Bappeda Building of Kebumen Regency.

Therefore, he continued, collaboration is needed between turtle breeding, conservation, capture and tourism. He also emphasized that a detailed plan needs to be made so that the idea of cooperation can be implemented in real terms in the field.

Dr Iin Solihin, the Secretary of the Department of PSP IPB University added, the signing of this PKS was a follow-up in the framework of implementing cooperation between FPIK IPB University and the Kebumen Regency Government.

She explained that the cooperation program related to education includes the preparation of learning materials about the potential of the coastal areas of Kebumen Regency for primary and secondary education students.

“For the scope of research, including the preparation of joint research for the economic development of coastal villages based on marine and fisheries potential through technological innovations in fishing, cultivation, and fish processing,” said Dr Iin.

Also in the scope of community service, the program is related to counselling and mentoring of coastal communities by lecturers and the Freedom of Learning: Independence Campus (MBKM) Bina Desa program for students. (*/Rz) (IAAS/MKY)