The Biotechnology Study Program at IPB University’s Graduate School Hosts International Seminar on Biotechnology

The Biotechnology Study Program at IPB University’s Graduate School Hosts International Seminar on Biotechnology

Prodi Bioteknologi SPs IPB University Gelar International Seminar on Biotechnology

The Biotechnology Study Program at the Graduate School of IPB University organized a series of activities titled the International Seminar on Biotechnology: Agriculture, Health, Industry, Soil, and Environment, along with a Studium General on Bioreaction Engineering. The event took place at the Dramaga Campus of IPB University, Bogor (5-6/12).

Speakers at the event included Prof Antonius Suwanto (IPB University), Dr Wilhelmus Terang Arga Sanjaya (IPB University), Dr Yoshihiro Ojima (Osaka Metropolitan University), Dr Huda S. Darusman (IPB University), with moderation by Prof Anas M. Fauzi (IPB University) and Dr Silmi Mariya (IPB University).

The Chairman of the Biotechnology Program, Prof Miftahudin, emphasized the importance of this series of activities in providing insights to participants, especially students, regarding the current and future developments in technology.

“In the future, this event will be held regularly in the Biotechnology Study Program to create a better academic atmosphere, thus developing biotechnology and better managing the Biotechnology Program,” he said.

Prof Miftahudin added that this event serves as a promotional platform for the Biotechnology Program, which is one of the first biotechnology programs established in Indonesia in 1992. The establishment of the Biotechnology Study Program is closely related to the establishment of the Inter-University Center for Biotechnology (PAU Bioteknologi) in 1985 by three universities in Indonesia: IPB University, Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB), and Gadjah Mada University (UGM), each with a different focus of study.

“The Biotechnology Study Program offers several specializations, including agricultural biotechnology, industrial biotechnology, health biotechnology, and soil and environmental biotechnology. Currently, the Biotechnology Program is accredited with an A grade from the National Accreditation Board for Higher Education (BAN PT),” he added.

Meanwhile, Dr Prayoga Suryadarma, the Secretary of the Biotechnology Program, mentioned that this event not only enhances the understanding of students across disciplines but also shows how their knowledge is related to biotechnology. Thus, this event becomes a platform to enhance the understanding of the scope of the Biotechnology Program.

“At present, the Biotechnology Study Program is open for the registration of new students at IPB University’s Graduate School in two periods, both in the odd and even semesters. There are two pathways: regular (by course) and by research,” he added. (HBL/Rz) (IAAS/Hap)