Strengthening the Role of Family, Agrianita IPB University Holds Tabligh Akbar

Strengthening the Role of Family, Agrianita IPB University Holds Tabligh Akbar

Kuatkan Peran Keluarga, Agrianita IPB University Gelar Tabligh Akbar

Agrianita IPB University restarted the annual agenda of Tabligh Akbar on Saturday, (16/12) at Al Hurriyyah Mosque, Dramaga Campus. This routine activity is expected to increase the role of Agrianita IPB University to the wider community which is carried out by strengthening the family.

Rector of IPB University, Dr Arif Satria was present to give a speech at the event. He said that according to theory, one of the elements of happiness is if you have a good family apart from a good job and good friends.

“Tabligh Akbar is an activity made to provide as many benefits as possible to the community around the campus of IPB University and the people of Indonesia, especially women,” said Chairperson of Agrianita IPB University, Neno Arif Satria.

The activity was attended by around 2,000 participants and two main speakers, namely Dr Irfan Syauqi Beik and Ustaz Hilman Fauzi. On that occasion, Dr Irfan said that there are three characteristics of contemporary Muslim families. Firstly, the quranic family, secondly the jihadi family and thirdly the information and technology literate family.

“With these three, God willing, it will be a happy family,” said Dr Irfan Syauqi Beik, Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Management (FEM).

He explained that a family built on the foundation of understanding the Qur’an is a quranic family. Therefore, every Muslim family must cultivate love for the Qur’an.

In addition, he continued, the meaning of a jihadi family is a family that likes to sacrifice, a family that likes to always fight to uphold goodness to always provide benefits.

“The third explanation of the characteristics of the contemporary Muslim family is the information and technology literate family. This relates to the family’s resilience or resistance to the flow of information, distinguishing information from technology,” said Dr Irfan.

On the same occasion, Ustaz Hilman Fauzi said that a sakinah family is not a family without problems. According to him, a sakinah family is a family that can take the wisdom behind problems.

He also talked about the four provisions for households, namely faith, knowledge, sincerity and istiqomah. “This family is just a small miniature before we will gather in heaven,” said Ustaz Hilman.

The Tabligh Akbar event was also enlivened with two competitions, namely a poetry writing competition and a Muslim children’s fashion show. In addition, this activity was attended by Helvy Tiana Rosa as a judge of the poetry writing competition and featured the reading of the winning poems.

This event was sponsored by Prudential Syariah, BSI, BLST IPB, Perbanas, IICC, Nibras, Kapal Api (ABC Qiswah), Le Minerale, Chocolatos, Hody, Abuya, Kalam TV, Lapis Sangkuriang, Wardah, Kahf and Biodev, Susu Kurma, MT Connection, Perfetti van melle and indolakto. Support also came from individual donors from the IPB University community and media partners from Kalam TV. (*/Rz) (IAAS/RUM)