STP IPB University Organizes Business Matching and Product Expo for 95 Cilegon City MSMEs

STP IPB University Organizes Business Matching and Product Expo for 95 Cilegon City MSMEs

STP IPB University Selenggarakan Business Matching dan Expo Produk untuk 95 UMKM Kota Cilegon

The Science and Technology Area Institute (STP) of IPB University in collaboration with the Cilegon City Office of Small and Medium Enterprises Cooperatives (Diskop UKM) organized Business Matching and Product Expo Tenant 2023. The activity was carried out in the context of capacity building for micro, small, and medium enterprises (MSMEs) in Cilegon City.

This activity aims to bring together tenants (MSMEs) with potential partners. Through this activity, it is hoped that an agreement will be reached for mutually beneficial cooperation related to MSME business development in terms of production, promotion, marketing, and capital.

“LKST IPB University has conducted a series of incubation programs including workshops, benchmarks, mentoring and coaching both in technical aspects of production, business management, finance, marketing, distribution permits, packaging, business plans and business model canvas (BMC) for 95 tenant MSMEs in Cilegon City,” said Chairperson of LKST IPB University, Prof Erika B Laconi at The Royale Krakatau Hotel, Cilegon (29/11).

She appreciated the involvement of potential partners as well as the enthusiasm and struggle of the mothers of Cilegon City MSME players. “The principles of business partnerships include mutual need, mutual strengthening, and mutual benefit. Hopefully, there will be cooperation between startups and partners both in marketing and financing so that startups can grow and develop,” she continued.

The Chairman of the Cilegon City Diskop UKM, Drs Didin S Maulana, MM, thanked LKST IPB University for assisting Cilegon City MSMEs since the first batch in 2022. The UMKM incubation program is carried out to improve the quality of human resources (HR) and develop their businesses to become resilient and upgrade.

“The majority of MSMEs participating in the incubation program are women. But make no mistake, women have a good and good meaning, namely a combination of smart and great people,” he added.

He added that the Cilegon City Government will launch an MSME Gallery located on Jalan Raya Anyer in early 2024. The effort is to help market Cilegon MSME products.

“We hope IPB University can continue to assist Cilegon MSMEs in the following years,” added Regional Assistant II of Cilegon City Secretariat, Azis Setia.

Before the announcement of the business matching results, Cilegon Mayor Helldy Agustian, SE, SH, and MH were present to motivate and encourage the participants. “MSMEs must have creative and innovative ideas in running a business, not the usual ones. Intend in your heart that business is worship, God willing, you will succeed,” Helldy continued.

A total of 20 MSME representatives presented pitch decks for 5 minutes. Then prospective partners chose startups of interest based on the exposure and business profile contained in the Product Catalog Book and facilitated discussions on a separate table.

“The results of Business Matching this time there were 119 statements of interest in follow-up meetings, and 101 statements of interest in cooperation between partners and tenants,” said Deva Primadia Almada, SPi, MSi as Assistant of Business Incubator Division of LKST IPB University.

Business partners who attended this event included BJB Cilegon, BNI Cilegon, PT Telkom Cilegon, PT Indonesia Power, Dekrasnasda Kota Cilegon, Koperasi Koci Prima, Cilegon Center Mall, PT Sinar Selira Interfood, FKP Kota Cilegon, FKPU Kota Cilegon, PIWKU Banten, Artha Online Shop, Krakatau Medika, Indomart and Hypermart Cilegon. (stpipb/Rz) (IAAS/TNY)