SPs IPB University Receives Unsrat Visit, Discussing International Programmes, Curriculum and Postgraduate Management

SPs IPB University Receives Unsrat Visit, Discussing International Programmes, Curriculum and Postgraduate Management

SPs IPB University Terima Kunjungan Unsrat, Bahas Program Internasional, Kurikulum dan Pengelolaan Pascasarjana

The Graduate School (SPs) of IPB University received a visit from the Graduate Program of Sam Ratulangi University (Unsrat) at the SPs Building, IPB Dramaga Campus (28/11). Unsrat’s visit was to discuss the international programme, curriculum and postgraduate management at SPs IPB University.

Dean of SPs IPB University, Prof Dodik Ridho Nurrochmat welcomed the Unsrat delegation. He said, currently SPs IPB University wants to develop and initiate double degree (DD) programme cooperation with domestic universities, in addition to DD programmes with foreign universities that have been running.

“Later, prospective students who cannot leave their area, with this domestic DD programme, their lectures can be conducted at Unsrat, such as lectures made possible by a hybrid system,” he said.

Prof Dodik added that this DD programme in the future is increasingly interesting because there are more and more human resources (HR) in the regions who can increase their capacity but are constrained by time and place.

With technology, he continued, all this can be done and this domestic DD programme is one of the potentials that we can apply for funding through the Education Fund Management Agency (LPDP) programme.

“We hope that this visit from Unsrat can also increase the capacity of SPs IPB University and hopefully it can be followed up with an agreement that is mutually beneficial to both parties. There are many things we can do and develop together through the realisation of more concrete cooperation,” he added.

Prof Agus Buono, Vice Dean of SPs IPB University in the field of Academic, Student Affairs and Alumni said that there are two types of study programme management in SPs IPB University, namely monodisciplinary and multidisciplinary. The monodisciplinary programme is managed by the faculty, while the multidisciplinary programme is managed by SPs IPB University.

“But for the admission of new students and monitoring the evaluation of the study period is carried out by SPs IPB University. So, SPs IPB University coordinates quality assurance in all study programmes, both masters and doctoral programmes in all faculties,” he concluded.

He explained that there are three professional programmes at IPB University, namely the Veterinary Professional Programme, Dietisien Professional Programme and Engineer Professional Programme. The SPs IPB University currently only manages the Professional Engineer Programme.

“The Professional Engineer Programme offers seven engineering fields, namely agriculture and agricultural products, fisheries and marine, livestock, forestry, agricultural industry, civil and environment and applied science. There are two entry points, namely the regular programme and the recognition of prior learning (RPL) programme,” he explained.

Meanwhile, Unsrat delegation representative, Dr Arthur Pinaria expressed his gratitude to SPs IPB University for providing opportunities for various information about the implementation of postgraduate programs.

The Vice Director of Academic, Planning and Student Affairs of Unsrat revealed that the Unsrat Postgraduate Programme was initiated by IPB University.

“With this visit, we want to continue to gain knowledge and be able to follow up on cooperation programmes such as DD, research collaboration and joint mentoring and other cooperation with SPs IPB University,” he added. (HBL/Rz) (IAAS/RUM)