SKHB IPB University Received a Visit from the Delegation of Can Tho University, Vietnam

SKHB IPB University Received a Visit from the Delegation of Can Tho University, Vietnam

SKHB IPB University Menerima Kunjungan Delegasi Can Tho University, Vietnam

School of Veterinary Medicine and Biomedical Sciences (SKHB) IPB University received a visit from the delegation of Can Tho University, Vietnam. SKHB Vice Dean for Resources, Cooperation, and Development (SKP), Dr Andriyanto, received a delegation from Can Tho University at the SKHB Transformation Hall, IPB Dramaga Campus.

The Can Tho University delegation consisted of three professors and 25 students from several departments including veterinary medicine, animal husbandry, and agriculture. The visit of Can Tho University was also conducted to several units and facilities at IPB University, including the Faculty of Animal Science and the Faculty of Agriculture.

Dr Andriyanto on the occasion explained the study program (prodi) in SKHB, including the Veterinary Medicine Undergraduate Program, Veterinary Professional Education Program, Biomedical Science Undergraduate Program, and Veterinary Biomedical Science Postgraduate Program (S2 and S3).

Furthermore, he emphasized that in addition to regular classes, the Bachelor of Veterinary Medicine Program also organizes international classes so that in the future it is hoped that there will also be students from Vietnam studying at SKHB IPB University.

On the same occasion, Dr Nguyen Trong Ngu, Vice Dean of the College of Agriculture who also attended the agenda, also expressed his appreciation for the warm welcome given by SKHB IPB University. He hopes that in the future Can Tho University can strengthen cooperation with IPB University, with a follow-up in the form of collaboration with SKHB.

Several lecturers and education personnel were present and involved in the activity including Dr Amaq Fadholly, Dr Arifin Budiman Nugraha, Dr Diah Nugrahani Pristihadi, drh Arni Diana Fitri and Vera Nora Indra Astuti, SPt, MM as Chairman of SKHB Administration and other staff.

Guided by Dr Amaq Fadholly and the team, the Can Tho University delegation had the opportunity to visit the Education Animal Hospital (RSHP), Poultry Health Research Farm, Laboratory Animal Management Unit, and several facilities at SKHB IPB University. In addition, delegates from Can Tho University were also invited to visit the Rehabilitation and Reproduction Unit and Equestrian Park.

“Through this activity, we hope there will be a follow-up from both parties, both SKHB IPB University and Can Tho University. Currently, IPB University already has a cooperative relationship through a memorandum of understanding (MoU) with Can Tho University, including at the level of work units at the Faculty of Animal Science,” explained Dr Andriyanto.

For this reason, he hopes that this activity will be the first step to explore more deeply, especially in terms of research and education collaboration between SKHB IPB University and Can Tho University. (DDC/AP/Rz) (IAAS/TNY)