SKHB IPB University Discusses Assessment of Veterinary Medicine Registration with the Ministry of Agriculture, Directorate General of PKH

SKHB IPB University Discusses Assessment of Veterinary Medicine Registration with the Ministry of Agriculture, Directorate General of PKH

SKHB IPB University Bahas Penilaian Pendaftaran Obat Hewan dengan Kementerian Pertanian Ditjen PKH

IPB University’s School of Veterinary Medicine and Biomedical Sciences (SKHB) held a meeting with the Directorate General of Animal Husbandry and Animal Health (Ditjen PKH), Ministry of Agriculture. Activities were carried out hybrid at the School of Veterinary Medicine and Biomedicine (SKHB) via Zoom meeting on 13/12.

This meeting discussed the Veterinary Medicine Registration Assessment Discussion. Present was a representative from the Directorate of Animal Health, Drh Ni Made Ria Isriyanti, explaining the assessment of medicinal product registration.

“Currently there are 35 medicinal products being submitted to the Center for Quality Testing and Certification of Veterinary Medicines (BBPMSOH) of the Directorate General of Animal Husbandry and Animal Health,” said Ni Made.

He hopes that IPB University and the Directorate General of PKH can work together and benefit from each other to continue improving the quality of medicines for animals.

Apart from discussing the assessment of veterinary drug registration, the PKH Directorate General’s group visited various facilities at SKHB, including the Reproductive Rehabilitation Unit (URR) and the Poultry Health Research Farm (PHRF). (AP/Lp) (IAAS/Res)