Prof Arif Satria: The Maturity of the Democratic Process Through the Journey of Seven Elections

Prof Arif Satria: The Maturity of the Democratic Process Through the Journey of Seven Elections

Prof Arif Satria: Kematangan Proses Demokrasi Itu Melalui Perjalanan Tujuh Pemilu

The Rector of IPB University said that according to research, the maturity of democracy can only be reached through the journey of seven general elections (elections). This was conveyed at the Rectorate Dialogue event at IPB Dramaga Campus, Bogor (13/12).

“Currently, we have followed the process of five elections. So, the maturity of Indonesian democracy will only occur in 2034,” said Prof Arif.

He revealed that students in developed countries have a different role from students in developing countries. In developed countries, the main focus of students lies in learning and research with demands to fulfil the needs of technocracy. Good political infrastructure and a high level of public literacy eliminate the need for demonstrations.

“On the other hand, students in developing countries are not only a force of technocracy, but also the backbone of democracy. They are responsible for filling these two important roles,” he said.

Prof Arif continued that the role of students is increasingly eroded as the influence of social media is getting stronger. Nevertheless, students remain the last line in protecting democracy when it is paralysed.

“The trend of student activeness fluctuates, decreasing when democracy is mature, but increasing when the democracy graph decreases. Thus, student activeness has a crucial role in maintaining the balance of democracy, especially in the midst of dynamic changes that occur,” he said.

Chief Executive of the Rectorate Dialogue, Rafi Salman said the rectorate dialogue with the tagline ‘Fix it Together’ invites to jointly answer the challenges at IPB University. According to him, solving this challenge is not an individual task, but requires the involvement of various parties with diverse points of view.

“Thus, the solutions produced will be holistic and constructive. This dialogue is crucial, opening space for aspirations that are constructive and have a positive impact on the future of our campus,” he explained.

The President of IPB University’s Student Executive Board (BEM KM), Imaduddin Abdurrahman said IPB University’s tagline ‘Inspiring Innovation with Integrity’ was a common hope and aspiration to realise the ideals of the campus.

“This dialogue will be a meeting stage and also a forum for the disclosure of various information that is important to be known together,” he said. (dr/Rz) (IAAS/RUM)