Preparing for Retirement, IPB University Holds Retirement Refreshment

Preparing for Retirement, IPB University Holds Retirement Refreshment

Persiapkan Masa Pensiun, IPB University Gelar Refreshment Purnabakti

IPB University held a retirement refreshment activity for education staff (tendik) and lecturers who have entered the retirement period. This activity was held at Amanuba Hotel, Bogor (28/11).

Assistant Director of Remuneration and Employee Welfare, Directorate of Human Resources (HR) IPB University, Erna Prastiwi, SE MM said the motivational training event for retirees was designed as an inspirational forum to prepare individuals to face the transition to the retirement phase with enthusiasm and readiness.

In accordance with the value of empowerment, retirees are encouraged to explore new potentials, establish social connections and contribute to society.

“Interactive sessions and inspirational talks create an environment that supports personal growth, ensuring that retirees are ready and excited to face a new chapter in the life journey of IPB University retirees,” she said.

HR Director of IPB University, Dr Heti Mulyati said retirement was only an administrative obligation. “Although retirement is only related to administration, it is important for all of us to remain a source of inspiration, wherever we are,” she said.

Dr Heti continued that the retirement age for tendik is 58 years old, while for head lecturers it is 65 years old.

“Every year, around 100 people retire from IPB University. Retirement is a chapter of life that we should live with happiness, while continuing to provide inspiration for the future,” she explained.

Trainer Prima Kelola IPB Consulting, Dr Faqih Syarif revealed that to become a great and social person, we must prioritise happiness as the main foundation. Smartly choosing positive thoughts is also important to shape the future and create abundant positive values.

“Immediately join a positive, active and contributive community because it will enrich the journey of life,” he said.

Dr Faqih continued that the key to productivity is to overcome invisible obstacles, so that one’s potential can develop optimally.

“After going through the process of self-establishment and the difficulties that deserve to be faced, rest assured that Divine wisdom will provide the appropriate and best. We must build strength from within, becoming the main resource in achieving life goals,” he explained. (dr) (IAAS/RUM)