Pot Kombu, IPB University Vocational School’s Innovation for Indonesia in the Innovation-Oriented Faculty Community Service Program

Pot Kombu, IPB University Vocational School’s Innovation for Indonesia in the Innovation-Oriented Faculty Community Service Program

Pot Kombu, Inovasi Sekolah Vokasi IPB University untuk Indonesia dalam Program Dosen Mengabdi Inovasi

The spirit of dedication among faculty members of the IPB University Vocational School is encapsulated in the Innovation-Oriented Faculty Community Service Program (DMI). Four faculty members from the IPB University Vocational School set out from Bogor to Yogyakarta to promote the Pot Kumbu innovation to micro, small, and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs) in the Dewaponik sector in Rejowinangun Village, Kotagede.

The team includes Harries Marithasari, SS, MPd, Dr Doni Sahat Tua Manalu, Henny Rusmiyati, SP, MSi, and Ulil Azmi Nurlaili Afifah, SP, MSi. The outreach serves as a bridge to enhance the usefulness for the welfare of the community in the development of MSMEs.

Ulil Azmi Nurlaili Afifah explained that Pot Kombu is one of the innovations from the IPB University Vocational School aimed at reducing the household expenditure on spices, thereby boosting the economy.

“Pot Kombu stands for Pot Komunal Bumbu, a simple innovation involving the cultivation of various spice plants in one planter bag based on the spice needs for a specific recipe. For example, a pot of spices for vegetable soup containing plants like galangal, bay leaves, shallots, and kencur,” she explained.

She further explained that the spice plants in Pot Kombu are a combination of woody spice plants such as bay leaves, lime leaves, curry leaves along with short spice plants like kencur, garlic chives, turmeric, and others.

“With Pot Kombu, it will fulfill the family’s spice needs with minimal spice usage and can be consumed over an extended period, reducing expenses for buying cooking spices,” she added.

In addition, the faculty team from the IPB University Vocational School also provided digital marketing education. This is aimed at strengthening the presence of Dewaponik MSMEs to sustain and progress in the competitive market.

Dr Doni Sahat Tua Manalu, people in charge of digital marketing outreach, hopes that this program can continue considering the excellent benefits it provides to support Dewaponik MSMEs.

“This program is excellent, as proven by the previously conducted programs in 2022, which were very beneficial, especially for Dewaponik MSMEs. It is hoped that this program will continue in the coming years,” said Dr Doni.

Innovation-Oriented Faculty Community Service is an extension of the Faculty Community Service program, prolonging the spirit of service among faculty members. “It is hoped that this IPB University Innovation-Oriented Faculty Community Service program can be beneficial for the circular economy of Dewaponik MSMEs and the surrounding community of Rejowinangun,” expressed Harries Marithasari, the team leader for this community service.

Aligned with the service goals, the outreach activities are expected to serve as a bridge to enhance the usefulness for the welfare of the community in the development of MSMEs. The knowledge gained can continue to be implemented to realize the aspiration of the people’s welfare that can withstand and develop the economy. (*/Rz) (IAAS/Hap)